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GENRENAL word mark

The Genrenale (spelling: GENRENALE ) is the first film festival exclusively dedicated to German genre films . It has been held annually in Berlin since 2013, parallel to the Berlinale in February . The identification mark and logo of the genrenal is the chopped off bear's head on a yellow background.


The initiators of the festival are the filmmakers Paul Andexel , Krystof Zlatnik and the graphic designer Marcel Weisheit.

Since their own graduation and debut films (“ You missed Sonja and“ Land of Giants ”) were hardly popular with German film festivals due to the strong genre character in Germany, they spontaneously founded their own festival in 2013 to“ promote all genre types that are neglected or simply do not take place on German television as well as in the cinema ”, to provide a platform. Together with the “New German Genre Film” movement, the Genrenale claims to be responsible for “highlighting lost diversity and creating awareness for German genre films.”

In the summer of 2016, young film students at the Film University Potsdam-Babelsberg were given a comprehensive insight into genre film history in a three-day genre seminar , methodologies and cinematic approaches of genre films were conveyed and a workshop discussion was held with the director and writer Christian Alvart .

The aim is not only to show genre films only, but also to “make a decisive contribution to improving the breeding ground for genre films from Germany by creating a previously missing genre culture” with the “annually recurring and growing genrenal”.


The Genrenale took place for the first time in 2013 in the Berlin Kulturbrauerei . 300 personally invited guests could be welcomed to a nearly two-hour program. The festival grew quickly and one year later it was able to receive 700 guests for an entire day in the Babylon cinema in Berlin . In 2015, the festival took place over two days with almost 2,300 visitors. Over 35 films were shown, including 20 world premieres and 3 feature films. In 2016, 34 films were shown to over 2,800 visitors. There were no genrenals in 2018. In 2019, the sixth edition of the Genrenale took place for the first time no longer parallel to the Berlinale, but on the weekend of the German Film Prize in early May. The festival location also changed, the festival took place in the UCI Colosseum in Berlin. Over 50 films were shown over four days, including the German premiere of the Luxembourg superhero film “Superjhemp Retörns” by director Félix Koch.

Film program

The festival covers almost the entire genre spectrum far from the German mainstream. When selecting the films, it is a condition that the film has a connection to Germany. This means that it was either shot in German, implemented by German filmmakers or shot in Germany. In addition to Germany, Austria and Switzerland are also considered to be "German" countries of origin.

According to the two organizers, the festival should reflect Germany's current genre landscape. For this reason, primarily short films have been shown so far. At GENRENALE3 in 2015, three feature films have already been shown to the public, including the German premiere of the film “ Radio Silence - Death Heard It ”. A total of around 170 films are currently submitted each year, selected by program manager Krystof Zlatnik.

In addition to the film program, there are also public panel discussions on specific questions about German genre films. Filmmakers such as Christian Alvart , Dominik Graf , Rainer Matsutani , Benjamin Munz and Michael Proehl discussed here .

Since 2016, the ARRI GENRE PITCH, the first genre pitch event in Germany, has been held in cooperation with ARRI Media , at which genre-affine authors can apply with their materials and present them live in front of producers, distributors and filmmakers.


Different prizes will be awarded at the end of the festival. In the run-up to the festival, various partners of the GENRENALE are looking for jury members who will award the four GENRENALE prizes at the festival. These jury members are not allowed to work in the field of film, but should reflect the normal audience. The festival organizers want to set an example that films have to please the audience rather than filmmakers and committees. The GENRENALE awards undoped prizes for

  • Killer Performance Female - Best Female Acting
  • Killer Performance Male - Best Male Acting
  • WTF Prize - a prize freely to be awarded by the jury (what exactly this prize stands for is explained and determined by the jury)
  • Best Genre Film - Best Genre Film

In addition, TELE5 , the main sponsor, awarded the anti-mainstream prize at GENRENALE3 and GENRENALE4.

Uwe Boll also awarded THE BOLL at GENRENALE3 and GENRENALE4.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c The vision “GENRENALE - 100% German Genre Cinema. In: Retrieved November 13, 2016 .
  2. New German Genre Film: New German Genre Film. In: Retrieved November 13, 2016 .
  3. berliner filmfestivals »“ Radio Silence ”by Marco Riedl and Carsten Vauth - Genrenale 3. In: Retrieved November 13, 2016 .
  4. Panel discussion “GENRENALE - 100% German Genre Cinema. In: Archived from the original on November 23, 2016 ; accessed on November 22, 2016 .
  5. ^ ARRI Genre Pitch: News: ARRI Media. In: Archived from the original on November 22, 2016 ; accessed on November 22, 2016 .
  6. Genrenale: THE BOLL video message 2015 // GENRENALE3. February 17, 2015, accessed November 13, 2016 .
  7. Genrenale: THE BOLL video message 2016 // GENRENALE4. February 24, 2016, accessed November 13, 2016 .