Georg Berowitsch

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Georg Berowitsch Pascha

Georg Berowitsch Pascha ( Greek Γεώργιος Βέροβιτς Geórgios Vérovits , Serbian Ђорђе Беровић Djordje Berović , Turkish Berovic Pasha , * 1845 in Scutari , d. 1925 in Dubrovnik ) was a Christian statesman of the Ottoman Empire , the governor-general ( Wali ) of Crete , as well as Prince served from Samos .

Berowitsch was in the Sanjak of Scutari born, which in today Albania is, and was of Serbian origin. He was the last in a series of pashas from the Ottoman Berovich family. In the Ottoman Empire in the 19th century, the government of the Ottoman Empire began sending sons from Christian families to Istanbul for upbringing , in order to later have Christian administrators for regions where the majority of Christians live.

Georg Berowitsch received several administrative posts in Anatolian Turkey . In Vilayet Crete he initially served as district administrator. After an armed Greek uprising on Samos , Berovich was sent to the island. The Ottoman army wanted to carry out a punitive expedition, but Berowitsch Pasha stepped in and sealed a compromise as the newly appointed prince: for the Greeks of the island he was an independent prince, while the sultan regarded him as a loyal Ottoman pasha .

He improved the economic situation on Samos and was popular among the island's population. He tried unsuccessfully to introduce a permanent system of civil servants, but successfully introduced freedom of the press , promoted agriculture and founded the Archaeological Museum of Samos in 1895.

Speaking to the Samos Parliament, he said:

“Parliament and I have common borders. You shouldn't cross my line and I shouldn't cross yours. So we become friends forever. "

While he was still on a trip to the Marathokampos region , he was given a new post by the Sublime Porte . His removal was generally not welcomed by the people of Samos.

After the uprising of the Greek inhabitants of Crete in 1897, Berowitsch Pasha was appointed governor general by the Porte, in the expectation that he would bring about a compromise similar to that on Samos. However, the fighting in Crete was already in full swing, and although the Greek inhabitants of Crete were benevolent, Georg Berowitsch was rejected by the Turkish - Muslim inhabitants and the Turkish army of Crete. The "Red Sultan" Abdülhamid II. (So ​​called because of the Hamid massacre of the Armenians ) tried to increase his reputation by awarding Berowitsch Pasha the Osmanje Order , but was unsuccessful. He was later even arrested on the orders of the Turkish army commander. The great powers then imposed a blockade on the island to force his release. He was provided with a group of members of the Montenegrin army who served as his bodyguards . Their arrival in Chania took place to the cheers of the local Greek population. After the founding of the independent Cretan state , Berowitsch Pasha handed over the keys of the fortress of Chania to Prince George of Greece and withdrew to Venice .

Individual evidence

  1. limited preview in the Google book search
  2. Гавро Вуковић, Slobodan Tomović: Мемоари . Обод, 1985, p. 84 ( limited preview in Google Book Search - Енглеска изаслала је једног вицеконсула, тек за ову прилику, а стално је држала скадарског угледног Србина Беровића у својству вицеконсула Ру- ски консул бијаше познати србијанофил Јастребов , пи- сац више историјских.. ..).
  3. IVAN IVANIC: IZ CRKVENE ISTORIJE SRBA U TURSKOJ . 1902 ( limited preview in Google Book Search - "Са пашом је био у Велесу и његов муавин (помоћ- ник) Србин Тоорће Беровић из Скадра (потоњи Беровић- паша, кнез Самоса и валија Крита) Ђорђе је био симпа- тичан човек , ... ").
  4. Delo: list za nauku, književnost i društveni život . . Carna radikalna štamparija, 1896 ( limited preview in Google Book Search - има тако силна утицаја на ток ствари; има их и других њега истакох, јер је, као што му и презиме сведочи, пореклом Србин, па се погрчио Он нарочито јака. утицаја има при бирању Патријарха. Он има своје људе, које се вазда мучи да протури и кад са правим кандидатом me worke a успе, он измајсторише ствар тако, да ни противници не продpу са својим и падне ...).
  5. TR Georgevitch: Macedonia . Allen & Unwin, 1918, pp. 237 ( limited preview in Google Book Search - The Pasha was accompanied by his Mauvim (Sub-Pasha), the Serbian Djordje Berovic of Skadar (the last of the Berovid Pashas, ​​Prince of Samos and Governor of Crete). Djordje Berovid was a man of tact, who called upon the Bulgarian leaders and encouraged them in their fight with the Greek Hierarchy. "The Pasha was given an enthusiastic send-off from Veles. The crowd accompanied him on foot for a considerable distance beyond the town.).
  6. ^ "History of Crete" by Theocharis E. Detorakis, 1994
  7. ^ Papers relating to Turkey No. 10: Affairs of Crete. Presented to the Houses of Parliament by Her Majesty's Stationery Office. July 1897