Georg Christian von Puttkamer

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Georg Christian von Puttkamer , also George Christian von Puttkammer (born January 23, 1716 in Grünwalde , today Role in Miastko , † February 1, 1789 ) was a Prussian district administrator . He successively presided over the Rummelsburger Kreis and the Flemmingschen Kreis in Western Pomerania .



He was a member of the Puttkamer noble family . His father Caspar Friedrich von Puttkamer (* around 1680; † 1729) was the heir to Grünwalde , Ponickel and Saben and an Imperial Russian captain ("Capitain"); his mother Ursula Anna (* 1690; † 1758) was born from Wobeser .


Georg Christian von Puttkamer studied at the University of Königsberg from 1734 . In 1738 he was assigned to the district administrator of the Rummelsburger Kreis , Joachim Rüdiger von Massow , as an adjunct . After his death in 1756 he became the new district administrator of the Rummelsburger Kreis. He had owned his father's estates Grünwalde, Ponickel and Saben since 1750. Damaged by the devastation of the Seven Years' War , he had to sell the goods and in 1765 took his leave as District Administrator of the Rummelsburger Kreis. Balthasar Ludwig von Wobeser succeeded him in office .

Georg Christian von Puttkamer inherited the Fritzow and Raddack estates in Flemming's district as early as 1740 . He moved here and was elected District Administrator of the Flemming District in 1765. In addition to his work as district administrator of the Flemming District, he was temporarily a member of the West Prussian Classification Commission from mid-1772 . In 1777 he was offered the office of President of the War and Domain Chamber in Kleve , which he refused. He was district administrator of the Flemming District until his death in 1789; Lorenz Friedrich von Puttkamer succeeded him in office .


Georg Christian von Puttkamer was married to Barbara Dorothea, born von Massow , for the first time. After her death he married Clara Albertine, née von Puttkamer. His son Georg Jacob Ewald von Puttkamer (* 1740; † 1772) became a tribunal advisor and district administrator in Lauenburg.


  • Rolf Straubel : Biographical manual of the Prussian administrative and judicial officials 1740–1806 / 15 . In: Historical Commission to Berlin (Ed.): Individual publications . 85. KG Saur Verlag, Munich 2009, ISBN 978-3-598-23229-9 , pp. 761 ( limited preview in Google Book search).