Georg Christoph von Wussow

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Georg Christoph von Wussow (* 1745 ; † March 20, 1794 ) was a Prussian lawyer. From 1779 until his death he was the district administrator of the Lauenburg-Bütow district in Western Pomerania .

He came from the Upper Pomeranian noble family von Wussow . His father Georg Lorenz von Wussow was the heir to Vietzig and Klein Wunneschin .

Wussow attended the Pädagogium Halle and then studied law at the University of Königsberg from 1764 to 1767 . In 1767 he became a trainee lawyer at the Judicial College in Lauenburg . The Lauenburg and Bütow lands in the east of Pomerania had a special position in Brandenburg-Prussia as fiefs of the Crown of Poland, including their own Grand and Regional Court in Lauenburg and their own tribunal as an appeal body. In 1770 he was elected judge at this tribunal (tribunal council) by the estates of Lauenburg and Bütow, and took office the following year. Soon afterwards, however, King Friedrich II reorganized the judicial system in the Lands of Lauenburg and Bütow by ordinance of October 14, 1773 and dissolved the Lauenburg Tribunal. Wussow lost his position and was settled with a small pension.

Wussow was involved as a district deputy of the Lauenburg-Bütow circle . In 1778 he was elected as the successor to Heinrich Eggard von Woedtke by the district councils and took office after passing his exams in 1779. In 1787 he also became director of the district. He died in 1794; Franz Christoph von Somnitz was elected to succeed him.

In 1772 he tried to enfeoff King Friedrich II with the estates of the noble family Wussow from West Pomerania, as their extinction seemed possible. However, since he was unable to provide evidence of a tribal relationship between the two families of the same name, he was unsuccessful.

Georg Christoph von Wussow was married to Sophie Catharina, a born von Pustar and widow of the tribunal council and district administrator Georg Jacob Ewald von Puttkamer (* 1740, † 1772), since 1781 . He was the heir to Vietzig , Landechow , Krampkewitz and Klein Wunneschin .


  • Rolf Straubel : Biographical manual of the Prussian administrative and judicial officials 1740–1806 / 15 . In: Historical Commission to Berlin (Ed.): Individual publications . 85. KG Saur Verlag, Munich 2009, ISBN 978-3-598-23229-9 , pp. 1132 ( limited preview in Google Book search).


  1. Reinhold Cramer: History of the Lande Lauenburg and Bütow . Volume 1. EJ Dalkowski, Königsberg 1858, p. 341 ( online ).
  2. ^ Julius Theodor Bagmihl : Pommersches Wappenbuch . Volume 2, Stettin 1846, p. 125 ( online ).