Heinrich Eggard von Woedtke

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Heinrich Eggard von Woedtke (born March 21, 1733 in Zirkwitz ; † July 7, 1806 in Neustettin ) was a Prussian lawyer. From 1771 to 1773 he was the last captain of the Lands Lauenburg and Bütow .

He came from the noble Pomeranian family von Woedtke . His father Peter Ernst von Woedtke (* 1682, † 1766) was a councilor in Neumark and heir to Chmelenz , Zirkwitz and Zapplin . His mother Sophie Elisabeth was also a born von Woedtke. His uncle Joachim Anton von Woedtke rose in Polish service to major general.

Heinrich Eggard von Woedtke attended the Pädagogium Halle and studied law at the University of Königsberg from 1749 . He entered the Prussian civil service and was war and domain councilor at the Neumärkischen war and domain chamber in Küstrin .

When Franz von Somnitz , President of the Tribunal and Chief Captain of the Lauenburg and Bütow regions, died in 1770, Woedtke, who was wealthy in the regions, tried to succeed him. He only partially succeeded in this: Ewald Georg von Natzmer became the new tribunal president . Woedtke received the title of chief captain, but without the salary, and received as successor to Natzmer his previous position as head of the district and regional court in Lauenburg .

Soon afterwards, however, King Friedrich II reorganized the judiciary in the Lands of Lauenburg and Bütow by ordinance of October 14, 1773. Among other things, the king rescinded the office of chief captain and dissolved the court and district court. In its place came a Landvogteigericht , which was formed after the model of the Landvogteigerichte in West Prussia. Woedtke became director of the newly formed Landvogteigergericht Lauenburg . Furthermore, Woedtke was district administrator of the Lauenburg-Bütow district from 1772 to 1779 .


  • Rolf Straubel : Biographical manual of the Prussian administrative and judicial officials 1740–1806 / 15 . In: Historical Commission to Berlin (Ed.): Individual publications . 85. KG Saur Verlag, Munich 2009, ISBN 978-3-598-23229-9 , pp. 1122 f . ( limited preview in Google Book search).


  1. Reinhold Cramer: History of the Lande Lauenburg and Bütow . Volume 1. EJ Dalkowski, Königsberg 1858, p. 341 f. ( Online ).