Georg E. Becker

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Georg Eberhard Becker (born December 12, 1937 in Berlin ) is a German educational scientist .


Georg Becker's childhood was shaped by the Second World War . As a child he experienced the nights of bombing in Berlin, the deportation to the country, the evacuation to East Prussia, escape from the Red Army, years in the Soviet occupation zone and the move to Herzberg am Harz .

In 1954 he acquired the secondary school leaving certificate in Herzberg am Harz ; from 1955 to 1956 he completed a forestry apprenticeship in the Bramwald / Weserbergland . From 1957 to 1958 he attended the Lower Saxony forestry school in Düsterntal Castle near Alfeld / Leine. There he passed the first forestry examination (technical diploma) and was then appointed as a district forester candidate.

In 1958 he was drafted into the Bundeswehr . He served his military service from 1959-1960 with the mountain troops in Bad Reichenhall and left the Bundeswehr as a lieutenant in the reserve .

From 1960 to 1962 he studied at the Pedagogical Institute in Heidelberg and passed the first examination for teaching at elementary schools. The second service examination followed in 1964. In his thesis he dealt with the German Landerziehungsheim movement, especially the Odenwald School in Oberhambach, where he worked in the archive of German Landerziehungsheime.

From 1962 to 1966 he worked as a primary and secondary school teacher in Helmlingen / South Baden. In 1966 he was seconded to the Weingarten University of Education to study history and English . After passing the specialist group examinations, he was appointed secondary school teacher. As such, he taught from 1966 to 1969 at the Pestalozzi Realschule in Freiburg-Haslach .

From 1968 to 1972 he studied educational science, psychology and sociology at the universities of Freiburg and Tübingen. From 1969 to 1972 he worked as a technical school councilor at the Freiburg University of Education with a focus on "training teaching behavior in small groups with TV recordings". In 1972 he received his doctorate at the “Center for New Learning Processes” at the University of Tübingen on the subject of “Optimization of school group processes through situational teaching training”. The dissertation was supervised by Walther Zifreund and published in 1973 in Heidelberg by Quelle und Meyer.

1972 followed a research stay in the USA, u. a. at the Stanford Center for Research and Development in Teaching (SCRDT) to study training methods in teacher training (microteaching, minicourses, simulation - discussion - action - programs, performance / competency-based teacher education). The stay was financed by the German Research Foundation.

In 1972 Georg Becker was appointed lecturer for general didactics / school pedagogy at the Heidelberg University of Education . In 1975 he was appointed professor for general didactics / school pedagogy. In Heidelberg he was a. a. active as senate representative for practical school training. In 1990 he was appointed professor at the Schwäbisch Gmünd University of Education . His main work there were:

  • Action-oriented didactics,
  • Conflict resolution in class,
  • Pedagogy against xenophobia, racism and violence,
  • Foundation of an association “School for All”, establishment of a school in the home for asylum seekers (funded by the Robert Bosch Foundation).

He led several research projects, including: "Training of the teaching method in the field of vocational adult education" at the research center of the Rehabilitation Foundation (funded by the European Union) and "Heimerziehertraining" (funded by the Federal and State Commission).

During his career he had two visiting professorships : in Finland he held courses for prospective class teachers at the Abo Academy in Vaasa and in the Russian Federation , Republic of Tatarstan, he was a visiting professor at the Kazan State University.

In 2003 Becker retired.

He is married and has two children.

Publications (selection)

  • Optimization of school group processes through situational teaching training. Heidelberg 1973: Quelle & Meyer. Dissertation, Center for New Learning Methods, University of Tübingen.
  • with B. Clemens-Lodde, K. Köhl: Teaching situations I: Conversation and discussion.
  • this .: Teaching situations II: Motivate and present.
  • this .: Lesson situations III: Practice and experiment. Munich 1976: Urban & Schwarzenberg
  • with B. Clemens-Lodde, K. Köhl: teaching situations. A training book for teachers and trainers. Munich 1980, 2nd ext. Edition: Urban & Schwarzenberg.
  • Action-oriented didactics. A theory related to practice. Weinheim 1995, 2nd edition: Beltz.
  • Plan lessons. Action-oriented didactics Part I. Weinheim 2012. 10th edition: Beltz.
  • Conduct lessons. Action-oriented didactics part II. Weinheim 2008. 9th revised edition: Beltz.
  • Evaluate and assess lessons. Action-oriented didactics part III. Weinheim 2007: Beltz.
  • with B. Kohler: take a critical look at homework and make practical use of it. Action-oriented didactics. Weinheim 1995, 3rd edition: Beltz.
  • with B. Dietrich, E. Kaier: Conflict Management in Class. Description of the situation and training documents. Bad Heilbrunn 1982, 3rd supplement. Edition: Klinkhardt.
  • with H. Stadler: Everyday problems in home education. Bad Heilbrunn 1982: Klinkhardt
  • Teachers resolve conflicts. Practical help for everyday school life. Weinheim 2006, 11th edition, foreword by Lord Ralf Dahrendorf, action matrix for conflict analysis: Beltz.
  • Discipline in class. On the way to a contemporary authority. Weinheim 2009: Beltz.
  • with C. Hartmann-Kurz, U. Nagel (Ed.): School for all. Asylum policy and its effects on children of asylum seekers. Weinheim 1997: Beltz.
  • with Coburn-Staege (ed.): Education against xenophobia, racism and violence. Courage and commitment in school. Weinheim 1994, with a contribution by Ignaz Bubis: Beltz.
  • Educational standards. Way out or alibi? Weinheim 2004: Beltz.
  • Sexuality in school. Sexual Freedom and Sexual Abuse - An Educational Problem? Augsburg 2011: Brigg Pedagogy.
  • with Hans Albrecht, Ignaz Bender, Hans Herbert Deissler, Norbert Eitner a. a .: Differentiated comprehensive school. In: Education in a new perspective. Series of publications by the Ministry of Culture, Series A No. 15. Freiburg, Haslach 1968.

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