Georg Heinrich Bernhard Juergens

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Georg Heinrich Bernhard Jürgens (born October 26, 1771 in Jever ; † September 12, 1846 there ) was a German botanist , algae researcher, lawyer and notary. He was mayor of Jever from 1829 to 1845. His botanical author's abbreviation is “ Jürg. ".


Georg Heinrich Bernhard Jürgens attended high school in Jever and then studied law and botany at the universities in Erlangen and Göttingen. After completing his studies, he settled in Jever in 1812 as a lawyer and notary. From 1829 to 1845 he was mayor of Jever.

His main work as an algae researcher is his 19-volume Algae Aquaticae , published between 1816 and 1824 , in which he described the algae he collected on the north-west coast of Germany.

On February 28, 1820 he was elected a member ( matriculation no. 1184 ) of the Leopoldina with the academic surname Moehringius . The choice of his nickname was reminiscent of his grandfather, the doctor and naturalist Paul Heinrich Gerhard Moehring (1710–1792), who taught him basic scientific knowledge at an early age.

He was a member of the Royal Bavarian Botanical Society in Regensburg and the Natural Research Society in Emden . Duke Peter Friedrich Ludwig appointed him a member of the Oldenburg Agricultural Society in 1823.

In his honor, Franz Karl Mertens named the alga Conferva juergensii Mertens , 1816, which is currently synonymous with Chaetomorpha ligustica ( Kützing ) Kützing , 1849.

Friedrich Traugott Kützing named the Rivularia actra described by Jürgens from the coast of Wangerooge in 1843 after Jürgens Euactis juergensii Kützing 1843.

His herbarium was acquired by the Grand Ducal Natural History Museum in 1838 and contains around 7540 specimens. It is still in the State Museum for Nature and Man in Oldenburg today .

The book inventory of the Jürgensbibliothek is stored in the Mariengymnasium Jever .


  • Carola Becker: Science from Jever: The algae researcher and lawyer Georg Heinrich Bernhard (GHB) Jürgens (1771-1846). In: Botanical researchers and the establishment of regional collections in the Grand Ducal Natural History Museum Oldenburg up to the beginning of the 20th century. A foundation of knowledge and values ​​for regional nature conservation . In: Hans-Werner Frohn & Jürgen Rosebrock (edit.): Voluntary mapping for nature conservation. Historical analyzes, current situation and future potential . Series of publications on nature conservation and biological diversity 123, publisher: Federal Agency for Nature Conservation, Bonn 2013 ( PDF )
  • Matthias Bollmeyer: The library of the Jever mayor and botanist Georg Heinrich Bernhard Juergens . In: Archive for the history of the book , 68, 2013, pp. 119–131 digitized

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Notes and individual references

  1. ^ Johann Daniel Ferdinand Neigebaur : History of the Imperial Leopoldino-Carolinian German Academy of Natural Scientists during the second century of its existence. Friedrich Frommann, Jena 1860, p. 251 (
  2. Phycologia generalis or anatomy, physiology and systems science of the Tange. FA Brockhaus, Leipzig 1843, p. 242