Georg Jauss

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Georg Jauss 1898

Georg Jauss (born March 15, 1867 in Hattenhofen , Württemberg ; † March 6, 1922 in Munich ) was a German landscape painter at the turn of the century in Bavaria.


Jauss was born in Hattenhofen in 1867 as the eldest of 6 children of Leopold and Anna Maria Jauss. The father was a bricklayer and farmer. From 1873 to 1880 he attended elementary school in Hattenhofen. The Protestant pastor discovered his talent for drawing and encouraged him so that he received drawing lessons in Göppingen from 1880 . In 1882 he was accepted into the class of antiquities at the Stuttgart Art School, and from 1883 he received a scholarship. His teachers were Jakob Grünenwald and Friedrich von Keller , who had a great influence on him. Classmates were Christian Landenberger and Bernhard Buttersack , with whom he was close friends. Together with another student, he graduated as the best and was allowed to travel to Italy in the summer of 1890. After his military service he went to Munich and Dachau, where he changed from genre painter to landscape painter. Around 1895 he got a job as a teacher in the women's academy of the Münchner Künstlerinnenverein in Munich. From 1895 he was a member of the Munich Secession and also took part in exhibitions in Stuttgart, Berlin and Bremen. At the end of 1899 he resigned his teaching post in the female artists' association and left the Munich Secession.

Self-portrait - In Dachau beer garden

From 1906 to 1913 he was a member of the Luitpold Group , then again with the Munich Secession. In 1899 he married Caroline Hegeler, his student, and built a studio in Dachau. In 1902 his daughter, who later became painter and book illustrator Anne Marie Jauss, was born. His wife died in 1904 and two years later he sold the Dachau house. In 1910 he entered into a second marriage with Katharina Heimerl, from which a son emerged, the future architect Georg Jauss. From 1913 he had a summer house in Irschenhausen near Icking. In 1919 he was naturalized in Bavaria. Georg Jauss died of a stroke in Munich in 1922 and was buried in the Munich North Cemetery.

Exhibitions (selection)

Son Georg in the studio
  • 1889: Munich, Glaspalast
  • 1890: Munich, Glaspalast
  • 1891: Munich, Glaspalast
  • 1893: Munich, Glaspalast
  • 1894: Munich, Secession building
  • 1895: Munich, Secession building, Munich Secession
  • 1896: Munich, Secession building, Munich Secession
  • 1896: Stuttgart, Museum of Fine Arts
  • 1897: Munich, Glaspalast, Munich Secession
  • 1898: Munich, Königsplatz , Munich Secession
  • 1899: Berlin, Secession, Munich Secession
  • 1900: Bremen, Kunstverein , 32nd large painting exhibition
  • 1902: Bremen, Kunstverein, international art exhibition
  • 1903: Munich, Königsplatz, Secession spring exhibition
  • 1904: Munich, Glaspalast
  • 1905: Munich, Glaspalast
  • 1906: Munich, Glaspalast, Luitpold Group
  • 1906: Berlin, Great Art Exhibition , Luitpold Group
  • 1907: Munich, Glaspalast, Luitpold Group
  • 1908: Munich, Glaspalast
  • 1909: Munich, Glaspalast, Luitpold Group
  • 1909: Berlin, large art exhibition, Luitpold group
  • 1911: Munich, Glaspalast, Luitpold Group
  • 1913: Munich, Glaspalast, Luitpold Group
  • 1913/14: Munich, Königsplatz, winter exhibition Secession
  • 1914: Munich, Glaspalast, Luitpold Group
  • 1920: Munich, Glaspalast, Munich Secession
  • 1921: Munich, Glaspalast, Munich Secession
  • 1922: Munich, Kunstverein, Georg Jauss memorial exhibition
  • 1925: Stuttgart, new exhibition building Schwäb.Kunst 19th century
  • 1934: Stuttgart, Wilhelmspalais
  • 1939: Stuttgart, Kronprinzenpalais
  • 1975: Dachau, Museum Association
  • 2010: Dachau, Museum Association, Georg Jauss, landscape painter at the turn of the century in Bavaria, retrospective


Dachau moss
  • Jauss, Georg . In: Hans Vollmer (Hrsg.): General lexicon of fine artists from antiquity to the present . Founded by Ulrich Thieme and Felix Becker . tape 18 : Hubatsch – Ingouf . EA Seemann, Leipzig 1925, p. 446-447 .
  • Susanna Partsch: Jauss, Georg . In: General Artist Lexicon . The visual artists of all times and peoples (AKL). Volume 77, de Gruyter, Berlin 2013, ISBN 978-3-11-023182-3 , p. 436.
  • Emmanuel Bénézit : Dictionnaire des Peintres, Sculpteurs, Dessinateurs et Graveurs. 3 volumes, Paris 1939
  • Friedrich von Boetticher: painter works of the 19th century. 1895
  • Busse catalog, 1977: No. 40636
  • Müller-Singer : General Artist Lexicon. 3rd revised edition, 6 volumes, Frankfurt am Main, 1895–1922
  • GK Nagel: Swabian painters, sculptors, craftsmen and architects. Stuttgart 1975
  • Bruckmanns Lexikon der Münchner Kunst, Munich painters in the 19th century. Volume 2, Munich 1982
  • GK Nagel: Swabian artist lexicon. K & A, Stuttgart 1986
  • HF Schweers: Paintings in German museums. 3rd updated and expanded edition, Part I, KG Saur, Munich 2002
  • K. Barton: Meister-Archiv, gallery of contemporaries of Germany from the field of the visual, building and technical arts. Eckstein Verlag, 1903, pp. 23, 24
  • J. Baum: The Stuttgart art of the present. Stuttgart 1913
  • C. Thiemann: Memories of a Dachau Painter. Dachau 1967
  • LJ Reitmeier: Dachau, views and testimonies from twelve centuries, the other part. Dachau 1979
  • LJ Reitmeier: Dachau, views and testimonies from twelve centuries, the last part of the trilogy. Dachau 1982
  • LJ Reitmeier: Dachau, views and testimonies from twelve centuries, addendum to the trilogy. Dachau 1986
  • LJ Reitmeier: Dachau, the famous painter's place. Dachau 1989
  • LJ Reitmeier: Dachau, an art picture book. Dachau 1995
  • W. Schnerring: The painter Friedrich Eckenfelder, a Munich impressionist paints his Swabian homeland. Konrad Theiss Verlag, Stuttgart 1984
  • E. Walter: Hattenhofer Bilderbogen. Municipal administration Hattenhofen, 1984
  • L. Balogh: Motifs for Munich painting in the 19th century. Pinsker Verlag, Mainburg 1986
  • G. Wißmeyer: Contributions to the town history of Dinkelsbühl. Dinkelsbühl City Archives 1987, p. 56
  • Y. Deseyve: The artists 'association Munich eV and its ladies' academy. Utz Verlag, Munich 2005
  • J. Jauss and B. Best: Georg Jauss 1867–1922, landscape painter at the turn of the century in Bavaria. Dachau 2010, ISBN 978-3-926355-18-8
  • W. Frei: "Picturesque heritage between Isar and Loisach", pp. 112-113, Hirmer Verlag Munich, 2018, ISBN 978-3-7774-3212-0

Web links

Commons : Georg Jauss  - Collection of images, videos and audio files