Luitpold Group

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The Luitpold Group was a community of visual artists , especially painters, who represented moderate modern goals and, above all, advocated high artistic quality. It was a spin-off from the Munich Artists' Cooperative (MKG) and was founded in 1892.

It included numerous artists in the 19th and early 20th centuries, including

Fritz Baer (1850–1919), Hans von Bartels (1856–1913), Carl Blos (1860–1941), Theodor Bohnenberger (1868–1941), Paul Ehrenberg (1876–1949), Felix Eisengräber (1874–1940), Raoul Frank (1867–1939), Walter Geffcken (1872–1950), Arnold Gerstl (1888–1957), Richard Gutschmidt (1861–1926), Gabriel von Hackl (1861–1926), Edmund Harburger (1846–1906), Adolf Heller (1874–1914), Paul Hey (1867–1952), Franz Xaver Hoch (1869–1916), Johann Daniel Holz (1867–1945), Hans Kamlah (1861–1908), Fritz Kunz (1868–1947), Carl Küstner (1861–1934), Wilhelm Löwith (1861–1932), Carl von Marr (1858–1936), Pius Ferdinand Messerschmitt (1858–1915), Henrik Moor (1876–1940), Peter Paul Müller (1853–1930), Ernst Ludwig Plass, Philipp Otto Schaefer, Matthäus Schiestl (1869–1939), Georg Schuster-Woldan (1864–1933), Friedrich Adolf Sötebier (1896–1973), Fritz Stattler (1867–1944), Richard Strebel (1861–1940), Wilhelm Stumpf (1873–1926), Ernst Thallmaier, Walter Thor (1870–1929), Hermann Urban (1866–1946), Hans Völcker (18 65–1944), Paul Hermann Wagner (1852–1937), Rudolf Bernhard Willmann, Karl Wolf (1901–1993).

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