Georg König (theologian)

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Georg König (born February 2, 1590 in Amberg , † September 10, 1654 in Altdorf ) was a German Lutheran theologian.


The son of an Electoral Palatinate official attended schools in Regensburg and the grammar school in Sulzbach before he enrolled at the University of Altdorf in 1605 . There he completed a degree in philosophy and theology with Ernst Soner and Jakob Schopper (1545–1616). In 1609 König moved to the University of Wittenberg , where he attended lectures with Leonhard Hutter , Friedrich Balduin and Wolfgang Franz , and in 1611 to the University of Jena , where he conducted further theological studies with Johannes Major , Albert Grauer and Ambrosius Reuden (1543-1615) . In 1614 he began a theological career as a preacher in Altdorf, then became a pastor and finally professor of theology at Altdorf University.

In order to have the academic degree required for this task, he received his doctorate in theology from the University of Marburg in 1626 , became the first librarian in Altdorf in 1644 and had decided on his life as a highly respected Lutheran theologian. However, König endeavored to take a less controversial point of view in the theological debate of his time. As a result, the five-time rector of the Altdorf University of Applied Sciences made the Lutheran orthodox dispute theologians of his time suspicious of representing the interests of the Socians , especially since he was in contact with the greats of this theological direction Johannes Crell and Martin Ruarus . He was also in friendly contact with Georg Calixt , whose son-in-law Theodor Hackspan (1607–1659) had become his follower.

Selection of works

  • Vindiciae sacrae conjunctim editae… , 1628, 1651
  • Casus Conscientiae , 1654, 1676


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