George Stewart Symes

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Sir George Stewart Symes GBE GCMG DSO , himself mostly just called Stewart Symes (* 1882 , † 1962 ), was an officer in the British Army and later commander in chief of the British colony of Aden , mandate governor of the northern district of Palestine , colonial governor of Tanganyika and governor-general of the Anglo- Egyptian Sudans .


Symes joined the British military in 1900 and attended the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst . He served in the Boer War in 1902 and in Aden from 1903 to 1904. During the mission he was awarded the Distinguished Service Order (DSO), which was very unusual for soldiers in the hinterland. More years followed in Sudan. In 1917 he was made Companion of the Order of St. Michael and St. George and received the rank of Lieutenant Colonel .

After the League of Nations mandate for Palestine , he was entrusted with the administration of the northern district of Palestine as mandate governor from 1920 to 1925 and was subsequently chief secretary of the Palestinian government until 1928. He was then from April 22, 1928 to March 7, 1931 Resident and Commander-in-Chief of the British colony of Aden and was beaten with the assumption of official duties to Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire . From January 1931 to February 1934 he was governor of Tanganyika. During his reign he campaigned, among other things, for the establishment of a school based on the European school pattern in Arusha , which was finally opened in 1934 for the European children who had been home schooled up until then. In his subsequent position as Governor General of Sudan from January 10, 1934 to October 19, 1940, he was appointed Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the British Empire (GBE) in 1939 . In 1946 he published his autobiography in London under the title Tour of Duty .

He was married to a native Broun. A son named Felix John Stewart can be found, who served in the rank of captain in the Special Air Service (SAS) and died on July 23, 1944 while serving in the Second World War. He also had a daughter named Barbara, who died in 1981. Her marriage to Michael Duncan David Crichton-Stuart, a son of Lord Ninian Crichton-Stuart , had four children. His cousin was the writer Evelyn Waugh .

Web links

Individual evidence

  2. Aden Administrators .
  4. Sir Stewart Symes , Chapter d. A new initiative - Arusha School.
  6. ^ Lieutenant Colonel Sir (George) Stewart Symes (English).
  7. ^ Symes, Felix John Stewart , Special Forces, Roll of Honor.
  8. ^ Lt.-Col. Sir George Stewart Symes on , accessed September 14, 2016.
  9. ^ Douglas Lane Patey: The Life of Evelyn Waugh (English), p. 92.
predecessor Office successor
Donald Charles Cameron Governor of Tanganyika
Sir Harold Alfred MacMichael
Sir John Loader Maffey Governor General of Anglo-Egyptian Sudan
Sir Hubert Jervoise Huddleston