Georges Nomarski

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Georges Nomarski ( Polish Jerzy Nomarski ; born January 6, 1919 in Nowy Targ , † February 17, 1997 in Antony ) was a French-Polish physicist in the field of optics . He is the inventor of the technique of differential interference contrast, which is widely used in light microscopy .


Nomarski began his studies in Warsaw. During the Second World War he was active in the Polish resistance movement. He was captured and interned until March 1945.

After the war, Nomarski first continued his studies in Belgium. In 1947 he settled in France. There he completed his studies in 1949 with a diploma from the Ecole Supérieure d'Optique (ESO, SupOptique) .

In 1950 Nomarski founded the Institute for Light Microscopy ( Laboratoire de Microscopie Optique ) at the Institut d'Optique . In 1953 he became a professor at ESO, and in 1965 Director de Recherche of the CNRS .


Nomarski's most important scientific achievement is the invention of differential interference contrast microscopy in its current form, the imaging mechanism of which is often also called Nomarski contrast after its inventor . It is based on a further development of the Wollaston prism by Nomarski in the 1950s, which is now commonly referred to as the Nomarski prism .

Nomarski is the inventor of numerous patents. He has written more than 50 specialist articles and is the author of the article on microscopy in the Encyclopædia Universalis .

honors and awards

In 1972 the Optical Society of America named Nomarski a Fellow ; two years later the Royal Microscopical Society also awarded him the title of Honorary Fellow . In 1973 the New York Microscopical Society honored him with the Ernst Abbe Memorial Award . In 1995 he received the SPIE gold medal, the highest honor this organization bestows.

Fonts (selection)

  • G. Nomarski: Nouveau dispositif pour l'observation en contraste de phase différentiel . In: Journal de Physique et Le Radium . 16, 1955, p. S88.
  • RD Allen, GB David, G. Nomarski: The Zeiss-Nomarski differential interference equipment for transmitted-light microscopy . In: Journal for Scientific Microscopy and Microscopic Technology . 69, No. 4, November 1969, ISSN  0373-031X , pp. 193-221.
  • JF Burke, G. Indebetouw, G. Nomarski, GW Stroke: White-light Three Dimensional Microscopy using Multiple-image Storing and Decoding . In: Nature . 231, No. 5301, June 4, 1971, pp. 303-306. doi : 10.1038 / 231303a0 . Retrieved April 24, 2014.


Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Georges (Jerzy) Nomarski (1919-1997). Pioneers in Optics. In: Molecular Expressions - Science, Optics & You. Florida State University , August 1, 2003, accessed April 23, 2014 .
  2. a b Georges Nomarski. Auteurs. In: Encyclopædia Universalis . Encyclopædia Universalis France, accessed April 23, 2014 (French).
  3. The Nomarski Shrine. University of California, Santa Cruz , Division of Physical and Biological Sciences , The Chisholm Lab, archived from the original June 19, 2014 ; accessed on February 15, 2016 .
  4. Patent US2924142 : Interferential polarizing device for study of phase objects. Applied on May 11, 1953 , published February 9, 1960 , applicant: CNRS , inventor: Georges Nomarski.
  5. ^ Google Patent Search. Google , accessed on April 24, 2014 (English, search term "georges nomarski").
  6. ^ Web of Science Search. In: Web of Science . Thomson Reuters , accessed April 24, 2014 (in English, for a fee).
  7. ^ RMS Honorary Fellows Past and Present. Royal Microscopical Society , accessed July 6, 2016 .
  8. ^ Past Abbe Awards. New York Microscopical Society, accessed April 25, 2014 .
  9. ^ Gold Medal of the Society. SPIE (trade association) , accessed on April 23, 2014 (English).