Georgia Doll

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Georgia Doll (born July 2, 1980 in Vienna ) is an Austro-German playwright , theater director and poet .

life and work

Georgia Doll was born in Vienna in 1980. At the age of eight she left Austria and moved to Hamburg . After graduating from high school and then studying literature and theater at the University of Hamburg , she left the Hanseatic city and studied theater studies in Toulouse , theater directing at the Université Paris X Nanterre Paris and scenic writing in Berlin at the University of the Arts.

In 2006 her first play Le Pays Sombre was read at the Théâtre Ouvert in Paris. She is staging her second play at the Théâtre Bobigny MC93. Her plays Miss Europe goes to Africa , The Penchant for Basics , Klara Morgenroth , Lorenzo's Return , The Blue Gold , Stranger and short pieces were staged or performed in France, Germany and Austria, including in the cities of Cannes , Marseille , Montluçon , Graz , Vienna , as well as in Düsseldorf , Hamburg , in the Staatsschauspiel Dresden at the Münchner Kammerspiele and in the Maxim Gorki Theater in Berlin .

In 2006 she herself staged Miss Europe Goes to Africa in Paris, in 2007 the development of the play “Visite sur Terre” with the youth theater troupe “Anyigba Yéyé” and in 2008 Bertolt Brecht's The Exception and the Rule in Amlamé, Togo (2009 at the Goethe-Institut Lomé). In 2013 she directed Das Blaue Gold / L'or bleu in Toulouse and Aix-en-Provence and in 2015 co-directed with Philip Baumgarten Sous le sixième soleil . The piece Das Blaue Gold was awarded the 2nd Prize of the Coburg Forum for Young Authors in 2013. In 2011 Georgia Doll was nominated for the Munich Prize for German Drama .

In 2012 she co-directed the short film L'oiseau et les fenêtres with Ida Clay . In 2013 she worked with director Philip Baumgarten in an artist residency at the Marelle-Villa des Auteurs in the Friche de la Belle de Mai Marseille on her production Sous le sixieme soleil. In April of the same year they can be heard on the radio show A l'air livre Radio Grenouille in Marseille. The piece is supported by a grant from the CNL - Center National du Livre - and read at the Théâtre Joliette-Minoterie in 2015 and premiered at the Théâtre Les Argonautes in Marseille.

In 2009/2010 she took part in the one-year author's workshop at the Schauspielhaus Düsseldorf and in 2011 in the workshop days of the Burgtheater Vienna. As part of the author's workshop Rauş - New German Pieces, a cooperation between the culture and society magazine freitext, Ballhaus Naunynstraße and the Berliner Ensembletheater Maxim Gorki, her piece I was we we were I in the Studio Я of the Maxim Gorki Theater and Ballhaus Naunynstraße became read scenic. She translates the theatrical monologue "La Fratrie Errante" by the Congolese author Marie-Louise Mumbu for the theater anthology "Scènes" and sets it up for the festival Frankophone Realitäten in the Studio Ya of the Gorki Theater Berlin.

Since 2012 she has been working in Marseille with her company Les Passagers du Mardi. She also works in theater pedagogy in the context of theater and writing workshops with children, young people and adults, as well as in international contexts (Togo, Tunisia, Bulgaria), she is a socio-cultural mediator against racism and exclusion and teaches at the university.

Georgia Doll writes in both German and French. In 2002 she published lyrical texts in the Junge Lyrik series at Martin Werhand Verlag , and in 2010 she was featured in the anthology Interludes: New Texts, Spaces of Perception and Fiction in Theater, Dance and Performance at transcript Verlag . In 2013 her play Das Blaue Gold: L'or bleu was published by Drei Masken Verlag, Munich, and as a bilingual print edition by Presses Universitaires du Mirail, Toulouse.


  • 2011: Nomination for the Munich Prize for German Drama
  • 2015: 2nd prize from the Coburg Young Authors Forum

Catalog raisonné

As a theater director (selection)

  • 2006 Miss Europe goes to Africa in Paris
  • 2013 The blue gold in Toulouse
  • 2015 Sous le sixième soleil in Marseille

As a playwright (selection)

  • Le Pays Sombre ,
  • Miss Europe travels to Africa ,
  • The slope to the fundamental ,
  • Klara Morgenroth , Drei Masken Verlag
  • Sous le sixième soleil ,
  • The blue gold , Drei Masken Verlag
  • Stranger , Drei Masken Verlag


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Kurschner's German Literature Calendar 2014/2015 . In: Kürschner's German Literature Calendar . tape 69 . Walter De Gruyter Incorporated, Berlin 2014, ISBN 978-3-11-033714-3 , pp. 200 ( limited preview in Google Book Search).
  2. Georgia Doll in: Münchner Förderpreis für Deutschsprachige Dramatik ( Memento of the original from September 7, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  3. Georgia Doll and Philip Baumgarten.
  4. Georgia Doll and Philip Baumgarten. In: Radio Grenouille in Marseille
  5. ^ French portrait by Georgia Doll
  6. Young lyric series: 750 poems . Martin Werhand Verlag , 2002
  7. ^ Biography of Georgia Doll in: Junge Lyrik III , Martin Werhand Verlag, Melsbach 2002, ISBN 3-9806390-3-7 , p. 538.
  8. Georgia Doll. In: - The blue gold: L'or bleu , Drei Masken Verlag, 2013, ISBN 978-2-8107-0249-7 ( online )
  9. the blue gold / l'or bleu - PUM 2014 ( Memento of the original from October 8, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /