Georgios Gounalakis

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Georgios N. Gounalakis (born June 23, 1958 in Stoli , Crete ) is a Greek-German legal scholar .


Gounalakis completed both doctorate (1988) and habilitation (1992) with Friedrich Kübler at the University of Frankfurt am Main . He was professor at the universities of Marburg and Leipzig . In 1992 and 1993 he received offers at the Jena University of Applied Sciences and the University of Leipzig (1993). Since the summer semester of 1994 he has been professor for civil law , international private law , comparative law and media law at the University of Marburg. In March 2000 he was offered a position at the University of Karlsruhe .

His research and teaching focus on civil law, commercial and economic law, international private law, comparative law and, above all, copyright and media law.

Gounalakis has made several teaching and research stays at foreign universities. He is the Erasmus and Magister representative of the department and looks after the foreign and German Magister students. Gounalakis is co-founder and member of the board of directors of the research center for media law and media economics in the department. He maintains contact with practice by cooperating with broadcasters, companies, associations, law firms in the media sector and the state media authorities.

Gounalakis was appointed as an expert in the Commission for Determining Concentration in the Media Sector (KEK) in 2007 and has been a member of it since then. He has been chairman of the KEK since 2017.

Since 2016 he has been a judge at the German Media Arbitration Court (DMS). Gounalakis is constantly teaching and researching at universities abroad, most recently at Monash University Melbourne / Australia.


  • (with Peter Gilles and Holger Heinbuch) Handbook of Teaching Law: Training, education and leisure activities through direct commercial and distance learning by private service companies in law and practice. Beck, Munich 1988 (reviewed by: Schatzschneider, NJW 1988, p. 1772; Wimmer, magazine for education and school 3/1988; Wörz, Kultus und Lehr 8/1989; Fetzer, magazine for boarding school education and social science research 1989).
  • Cable television in the field of tension between copyright and consumer protection. On the copyright problem of feeding radio broadcasts into cable systems from a national, international and comparative law perspective (= UFITA series of publications. Vol. 80). Nomos, Baden-Baden 1989 (discussed by: Windisch, BB 1989, booklet 22, p. X; ders., BB 1989, booklet 28, p. XIV; Strauss, Filmkunst No. 121/1989, p. 19 f .; Müller, Academy for Political Science and Law of the GDR, 11/1989, pp. 1–3; Nordemann, AfP 3/1989, pp. 699 f .; Dreier, Medien und Recht 1989, p. 75; the other, GRUR Int . 2/1990, p. 170 f .; Ehlgen, ZUM 1990, p. 315 f .; Emmerich, Die Verwaltung 23 (1990), p. 110 f .; Dittrich, UFITA (archive for copyright, film, radio - und Theaterrecht) Vol. 113 (1990), p. 294 f .; SA, Communicatio Socialis, issue 1/1991; Vieweg, JR 1991, p. 394 f.)
  • The Service Area Principle in the Framework of Cable Television: Legal Expertise for and on behalf of the European Cable Communications Association (ECCA). Nomos, Baden-Baden 1995.
  • (with Hannes Rösler ) Honor, opinion and equal opportunities in the communication process. A comparative study of the English and German law of honor. Nomos, Baden-Baden 1998 (discussed by: Nolte, AfP 1998, p. 664 f.)
  • The signature law: an obstacle or solid legal infrastructure to the establishment of digital signatures in electronic business? (= E-Business Guide No. 16). PricewaterhouseCoopers, Frankfurt am Main 1999.
  • Advertising on the Internet: Legal Aspects (= E-Business Guide No. 19). PricewaterhouseCoopers, Frankfurt am Main 1999.
  • Privacy and the Media. A Comparative Perspective (= Information and Law Series. Vol. 7). Beck, Munich 2000 (discussed in: RDV 2005, p. 55)
  • Functional assignment and economic activity of the second German television. Using the example of the ZDF media park (= ZDF series of publications. Volume 59). Second German Television, Mainz 2000 (discussed by: Dörr, K&R 2003, p. 138 f.).
  • (with Meinhard Heinze and Dieter Dörr ) Copyright contract law: Constitutional and European legal evaluation of the draft of the Federal Government of May 30, 2001. Vistas, Berlin 2001.
  • (with Lars Rhode) Protection of privacy on the Internet, basics and online specifics. Beck, Munich 2002 (discussed by: Schmittmann, MMR 9/2002, MMR aktuell, p. XXXVII).
  • Media Convergence: Should Media Law Be Harmonized? Expert opinion C for the 64th German Lawyers' Conference Berlin 2002. Beck, Munich 2002.
  • Legal Handbook Electronic Business , CH Beck, Munich, 2003, ISBN 3-406-48090-X .
  • (with Elmar Mand ) Cable routing and copyright compensation. Beck, Munich 2003 (discussed by: Berger, tv diskurs, issue 27 / April 2004, pp. 98–100; Dittrich, RundfunkRecht 2004, pp. 23 f.)
  • Electronic copies for teaching and research (§ 52a UrhG) in the light of the constitution. Legal opinion on behalf of the Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels eV Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen 2003 (discussed by: Peukert, UFITA 2004, Issue 2, pp. 564–567; Ansgar Ohly, Die Verwaltung 2005, pp. 419–422).
  • (with Heiko Drebes) Electronic trading platforms for companies using the example of T-Mart. Beck, Munich 2005.
  • Economic cooperation between Bavarian radio providers: On the constitutionality of Section 11 (3) of the Radio Statute. Legal opinion. Reinhard Fischer, Munich 2005.
  • Embryo Research and Human Dignity. Nomos, Baden-Baden 2006.
  • (with Georgios Zagouras) Media Concentration Law : Securing Diversity in the Media. Beck, Munich 2008.
  • (with Greg Taylor) Media Diversity Law. Lang, Frankfurt am Main 2016.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Kürschner's German Scholar Calendar . 17th edition (1996), vol. Humanities and social sciences , p. 434.