German Petrovich Lupekin

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German Petrovich Lupekin ( Russian Герман Петрович Лупекин * 1. January 1919 in Kropotkin , Krasnodar region , Soviet Russia ; † 16th January 2016 in St. Petersburg ) was a Soviet and Russian theater - and film - actor and director .

Life and accomplishments

Lupekin graduated from the 1st Sestrorezker secondary school in 1938 and then attended a teaching course in the field of "natural sciences" at the educational institute " AI Hearts " in Leningrad . From 1939 he worked for a year as a teacher at the 2nd Sestrorezker secondary school " M. Gorki " . In 1940 Lupekin began studying at the Leningrad State Theater Institute , but had to interrupt it due to the German-Soviet War . Until 1945 he was in the service of the Red Army for several functions and was wounded three times. Even then he was also an entertainer. After being demobilized , Lupekin resumed his studies and graduated with honors in 1948.

Lupekin was initially an operetta performer until 1949 , but in 1950 he moved to the Leningrad Komsomol Theater , where he appeared until 1962, including in an adaptation of Dostoyevsky's Humiliated and Offended . He then appeared at the Leningrad State Theater for Musical Comedies until 1965, was a member of the Lenfilmstudio staff from May to December 1966 and was director of the children's and youth programs of the Leningrad Committee on Television and Radio from 1967 to 1986 . Between 1981 and 1989 he also lectured at the Leningrad State Institute for Theater, Music and Cinematography in the subject of "television directing".

Lupekin made his film debut in 1955 in Дело Румянцева ( Delo Rumjanzewa ). Up until 1991 he had appeared in front of the camera 30 times, often in fairy tales and children's films . Besides well-known works such as Republic of Rascals (1966) and The Snow Queen (1967) also included TV films Захудалое королевство ( Sachudaloje korolewstwo ) with Lupekin as Beelzebub , Сказка о Мите и Маше, о Весёлом Трубочисте и Мастере Золотые Руки ( Skazka o Mite i scam o Wesjolom Trubotschiste i MasterE Solotye Ruki , where he 1967) the Koschei was, and Тим Талер, или Проданный смех ( Tim Taler, ili Prodanny smech , 1970) by James Krüss ' Roman Timm Thaler or the selling laugh on his work .

From 1967 Lupekin also appeared ten times as a director for television films and games , most recently in 1996 for the ballet Сказка о рыбаке и рыбке ( Skaska o rybake i rybke ). After he made a film for the first time in 1966, Ты приходи к нам, приходи ... ( Ty prichodi k nam, prichodi ... ) under the direction of Vladimir Pobol, he also wrote Архимеды XX века ( Archimedy XX века ) and Мальчик из спичечной коробк ( Maltschik is spitschetschnoi korobk ), both produced in 1969, the scripts.

He died shortly after his 97th birthday in St. Petersburg.


Lupekin received the following awards for his military service:

In an obituary by the television station NTW , he was honored as the "patriarch of television", whose creativity was known to all children in the USSR. The cameraman and director Vladimir Grechishkin saw in him an “unusually friendly person” who was able to create “a special atmosphere of warmth”.

Filmography (selection)

  • 1956: Much Ado about Maxim (Maxim Perepeliza)
  • 1961: Save yourself who can! (Polosaty rice)
  • 1967: In the city of S. (W gorode S.)
  • 1966: Tibul defeats the fat people (Tri tolstjaka)
  • 1966: Republic of the Rascals (Respublika SCHKID)
  • 1967: The Snow Queen (Sneschnaja korolewa)
  • 1972: The Circle (Krug)
  • 1973: A bad, good person (Plochoi choroschi tschelowek)
  • 1977: A key that cannot be passed on (Kljutsch bes prawa peredatschi)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Lupekin's profile on (Russian), accessed on May 31, 2020
  2. a b Obituary for Lupekin on the NTW website (Russian), accessed May 31, 2020
  3. Lupekin's biography at (Russian), accessed on May 31, 2020
  4. Film data for Тим Талер, или Проданный смех on (Russian), accessed on May 31, 2020
  5. Film data for Ты приходи к нам, приходи ... on (Russian), accessed on May 31, 2020
  6. Lupekin's filmography on (Russian), accessed on May 31, 2020