Gernot Schwaiger

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Gernot Schwaiger (born January 24, 1952 in Kassel ) is a German visual artist , lithographer , draftsman and sculptor .


He initially trained as a bookseller . He then studied at the University of Fine Arts in Kassel and received a scholarship from the Friedrich Ebert Foundation . He completed his studies with a degree in art school as a designer and an art college degree as a sculptor and painter . In 1983 his book, CVs, consisted only of black and white illustrations .


His work runs through a repeatable sequence. First of all, he researches the curriculum vitae of the personality who has mostly died. Then he handwritten the model's résumé . Finally, he writes with black color again to resume on, subtly altered the font size, font weight and font weight, one that from the text, the portrait can perceive.

The drawings were published as limited lithographs by the WfB workshop for the disabled in Wiesbaden . His most important works include portraits of Ludwig van Beethoven , Joseph Beuys , Heinrich Böll , Fjodor Michailowitsch Dostojewski , Vincent van Gogh , the Brothers Grimm , Georg Friedrich Handel , Johann Gottfried Herder , Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart , Marcel Proust , Friedrich Schiller and Robert Walser .

Gernot Schwaiger lives as a freelance artist in Kassel .

Works in museums (selection)


  • Heads and Faces , Kunsthalle Darmstadt
  • Typefaces , Moltkerei Cologne
  • Elective affinities , Goethe-Institut Portugal
  • Instituto Alemao, Lisbon Coimbra
  • Imagining Antartica , City Museum Linz, Austria
  • Henry the Navigator , Maritime Museum, Lisbon
  • Wiener Divan - Sigmund Freud today , catalog, Museum d. 20th century, Vienna, Austria
  • Fragrance brands , Atelier Kramer, Weserburg Bremen
  • The academy as a peep show , courtyard
  • Scarecrows and drawings , Atelier Kramer, Kunsthalle Heilbronn
  • Art scholars of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung , Freudenstadt
  • Art scholars from the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung , Bonn and Kassel
  • Art in Kassel , Kunstverein Kassel
  • Pillory , Kassel State Theater
  • Atelier Kramer , Art Station Kleinsassen , Harry Kramer for the 60th ,
  • Kunsthalle zu Kiel and Schleswig-Holsteinischer Kunstverein Weltmeister , Kassel and Cologne
  • The Brothers Grimm , Steinau Castle near Hanau
  • Georg Büchner , Mathildenhöhe Darmstadt
  • Georg Büchner , Weimar Georg Büchner, Life and Work , Marburg and City of Velbert
  • For Vincent's sake, van Gogh's honor , Kunstverein Kassel
  • Imagining Antartica , Boston, USA Goethe and Schiller
  • Graphic collection, Weimar Classic Foundation Johann Gottfried Herder
  • Punishment of future determination , Kunsthalle Weimar House of History Darmstadt State Museums in Berlin


  • Gernot Schwaiger: CVs . 1983
  • Gernot Schwaiger: Drawn faces

Web links