Giancarlo Maria Bregantini

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The Archbishop with some organizers of the Conference of Youth Pastoral Care of the Episcopal Conference of Sicily
Archbishop's coat of arms

Giancarlo Maria Bregantini CSS (born September 28, 1948 in Denno ) is Archbishop of Campobasso-Boiano .


Giancarlo Maria Bregantini joined the Order of the Stigmatines , made his profession on June 13, 1974 , and was ordained a priest on July 1, 1978 .

Pope John Paul II appointed him Bishop of Locri-Gerace on February 12, 1994 and he was instituted on May 7 of the same year. The Archbishop of Crotone-Santa Severina , Giuseppe Agostino , donated him episcopal ordination on April 7th of the same year ; Co- consecrators were Vittorio Luigi Mondello , Archbishop of Reggio Calabria-Bova , and Giovanni Maria Sartori , Archbishop of Trento .

As a motto he chose Dominus meus et Deus meus . On November 8, 2007 he was appointed Archbishop of Campobasso-Boiano and on January 20 of the next year he was introduced to the office.

Giancarlo Bregantini, who is also known as a critic of the Mafia , wrote the texts for the 14 Stations of the Cross , which Pope Francis prayed in the Colosseum on Good Friday 2014 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Tens of thousands prayed the Way of the Cross with Pope Francis at the Colosseum , , April 19, 2014
predecessor Office successor
Antonio Ciliberti Bishop of Locri-Gerace
Giuseppe Fiorini Morosini OM
Armando Dini Archbishop of Campobasso-Boiano
since 2007