Giovanni Della Casa

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Giovanni Della Casa

Giovanni Della Casa (born June 28, 1503 in Mugello , † November 14, 1556 in Montepulciano ) was an Italian cleric and poet.

Giovanni della Casa was born in 1503 in the province of Mugello in Tuscany, probably in the village of Della Casa, from which his family took its name. He studied in Bologna and Florence and from 1528 in Padua with scholars such as Ubaldino Bandinelli (1494–1551) and Lodovico Beccadelli (1501–1572). In 1529 he was ordained a clergyman in Rome . During this time he mainly wrote sonnets that are characterized by solemnity and seriousness, but do not reveal any deeper feelings. On March 12, 1537 he was called to the Apostolic Chamber . In 1541 he was in Florence and became a member of the Florentine Academy . After returning to Rome, he was appointed Archbishop of Benevento in 1544 , but did not even have the opportunity to visit his new diocese , as he became papal nuncio in Venice that same year , from where he attended the Council of Trent pursued. In Venice he introduced the Inquisition and organized the first trials against the Reformation in Italy. In 1548 he compiled an index of banned books . When Pope Paul III. tried to set up a league against the Emperor Charles V in alliance with France, he wrote an Orazione per la lega to make the Republic of Venice an ally of the Pope. After falling out of favor with his patron Alessandro Farnese , he retired to Nervesa in the province of Treviso , where he wrote his most famous work Il Galateo ovvero de 'costumi ("The Galateo or Of the Morals"), an educational book, whose name "Galateo" became as proverbial in Italy as the German " Knigge ". Pope Paul IV finally called him to Rome as Vatican secretary, where he died in 1556 without attaining the desired cardinal dignity.

Editions and translations

  • John B. Van Sickle (Ed.): Giovanni della Casa's Poem Book. Ioannis Casae Carminum Liber. Florence 1564. Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Tempe 1999, ISBN 0-86698-236-1 (Latin text with English translation and commentary)
  • Giovanni Della Casa: Vita di Pietro Bembo , ed. Antonino Sole, Fògola, Torino 1997 (contemporary biography of Bembos; Latin text, Italian translation, introduction)
  • Giovanni della Casa: The Galateo. Treatise on morality . Translated from the Italian by Michael Rumpf. Manutius, Heidelberg 1988, ISBN 3-925678-07-7


Web links

Commons : Giovanni della Casa  - Collection of images, videos and audio files