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The landscape of the Mugello near Tirli (Firenzuola)
The Mugello landscape near Bibbiana (Palazzuolo)
The Villa di Cafaggiolo the Medici in Barberino di Mugello

Mugello is an Italian region north of Florence .


The Mugello is located in the northern part of the metropolitan city of Florence . It borders the metropolitan city of Bologna to the north and the province of Prato to the west . It is crossed by the Sieve , a tributary of the Arno , and lies in the Appennino tosco-romagnolo . Other rivers that have their source in the Mugello are the Santerno , the Savena , the Setta and the Sillaro , all of which flow north. The Futapass is part of the landscape. Eight municipalities of the Mugello have merged to form the Comunità montana del Mugello , but remained independent municipalities of the province.



In 542 the Ostrogoths and the Eastern Roman Empire faced each other at the Battle of Mucellium in the course of the Gothic War . In the Middle Ages, the Mugello was the seat of numerous noble families and their castles. The Mugello was conquered by the Florentine Republic .

Earthquakes happen again and again in the Mugello . On June 13, 1542 there was a magnitude 6 earthquake , there are reports of over 100 deaths, and severe damage in Scarperia . On June 29, 1919, a quake shook the earth with an epicenter in Vicchio , where half the place was destroyed. In this disaster, too, 100 people were killed in the region.


The Autodromo Internazionale del Mugello motor racing circuit , owned by the car manufacturer Ferrari , is located in the vicinity of Scarperia . The Italian Grand Prix is held annually on the slopes as part of the motorcycle world championship. It is also used as a test track by various Formula 1 teams, primarily Scuderia Ferrari .


  • Attilio Mori: MUGELLO. In: Enciclopedia Italiana (1934) ( online version at

Web links

Commons : Mugello  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Official website of the Unione Montana dei Comuni del Mugello , accessed on March 15, 2014 (ital.)
  2. La scheda: il terremoto nel Mugello. In: . December 9, 2019, accessed December 9, 2019 (Italian).