Giovanni Guidi

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Giovanni Guidi (* 1985 in Foligno ) is an Italian jazz musician ( piano , also keyboards , composition ).

Live and act

Guidi studied piano at the age of twelve. He was discovered by Enrico Rava at the jazz seminars in Siena and made his debut with Rava at the age of 19. In 2006, 2010 and 2016 he recorded three CDs for Editoriale l'Espresso with the band Rava under 21 , which later became the Rava New Generation . In 2006 he released Tomorrow Never Knows, his first album under his own name, which was released by the Italian label Cam rasch Indian Summer (2007) and (with a larger formation based on Charlie Haden's Liberation Music Orchestra ) The Unknown Rebel Band (2009) followed. On several albums with Rava for ECM , which were created since 2011, he became internationally known as a companion. In 2013 he presented an album for ECM with City of Broken Dreams in a trio with Thomas Morgan and drummer João Lobo, which was followed by another album on the same label with a trio line-up, This Is the Day (2015). For the album Avec le temps (2019), with the exception of the first and last title, the line-up grew to a quintet (with Francesco Bearzatti and Roberto Cecchetto).

Guidi also maintains an electric trio with Joe Rehmer and Federico Scettri ( Drive ! , 2018). He recorded the album Ida Lupino with Gianluca Petrella , Louis Sclavis and Gerald Cleaver . Together with Fabrizio Bosso , he also directs the Revolutionary Brotherhood quintet, which includes Aaron Burnett on tenor saxophone and in the rhythm section Eric Wheeler and Joe Dyson .

He also worked with musicians such as Matthew Herbert , Daniele Di Bonaventura, Luca Aquino and Micha Aquino. He has performed at important festivals around the world. Tom Lord records 22 recordings of Guidi between 2006 and 2017.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Amazingly original - the new album City of Broken Dreams by Giovanni Guidi (
  2. JazzFest Berlin
  3. Review (cultural magazine)
  4. meeting
  5. Tom Lord: The Jazz Discography