Girolamo Giacobbi

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Girolamo Giacobbi (Giacobi) ( also Geronimo de Jacob, Hieronymus Jacobus or Jacobbi) (* and baptized on August 10, 1567 in Bologna ; † February 1629 there ) was an Italian cantor , conductor and composer .


Giacobbi's parents were Bartolomeo and Virginia Accarisi. By joining the group of clergy at the Cathedral of San Petronimo, he received training in grammar and singing. On January 30, 1581 he appears in the lists of the church administration of San Petronio as Geronimino de Jacob . As a cleric who supports the soprano and alto voices of the choir, receives an additional annual remuneration. In 1584 he began dual spiritual and musical training and was officially registered as a regular singer in the cathedral choir of San Petronio. In 1589 he was ordained a priest. In 1594 he became the promagister of Kapellmeister Andrea Rota to support the management of the instrumental and vocal ensembles. A task that he held after Rota's death in 1598 under his successor Pompilio Pisarelli .

In 1604 Giacobbi himself became Kapellmeister at San Petronio and retained the office until his death in 1629. The assumption of this office by Giacobbi was a historic step for the music at San Petronio, as he enlarged the ensembles, and a printed set of rules for the liturgical and musical Processes at the cathedral published.

In Bologna, Giacobbi made the first experiments with dramatic music in the style of the Florence operas. He composed L'Aurora ingannata for a text by the poet Ridolfo Campeggi .

In 1622 he founded the "Accademia dei Filomusi" in Bologna, after the " Accademia Filarmonica " the second academy in his native city, which was dedicated to music care. He died in Bologna in February 1629 at the age of 61.


Church music

Giacobbi created a large number of sacred works of all genres. He composed partly for a cappella choirs, but also made concertante compositions . Especially the Vespers show the new style.

  • 1601 Motecta multiplici vocum numero concinenda, liber primus , Giacobbi's first printed sheet music edition, printed in Venice by Angelus Gardanus; They are dedicated to the Bolognese Senate and the Church Administration of San Petronios and are strictly polyphonic in succession to Palestrina . OCLC 61363179 ( digitized version ) The work was reissued in 1962 by Giampaolo Ropa in the Antiquae musicae Italicae monumenta Bononiensia series of the University of Bologna OCLC 464029851
  • 1609 First part of the Salmi concertati for 2 and more choirs, Commodi da Concertare in diuerse maniere [easy to perform in different ways.], Printed in Venice by Angelo Gardano & Fratelli OCLC 83209043
  • 1615 Vespri per tutto l'anno a quattro voci, con l'organo e senza , printed by Gardano in Venice
  • 1618 Litanie e motetti: da concerto e da capella a due chori per la sanctissima Virgine , printed by Gardano in Venice OCLC 35979650
  • Motets of 6 parts
  • multi-choir psalms
  • Vespers with basso continuo
  • Litanies
  • Magnificat
  • Hymns
  • measure up
  • In 1969, Vittorio Gibelli published an adaptation of the Psalm Laudate Dominum from 1615. OCLC 878180130
  • In 1996 Wolfgang Fürlinger published the Litaniae Lauretanae concertata for choir (SSATB) and basso continuo with Alfred Coppenrath. OCLC 724445583
  • In 2002 Jeffrey Kurtzman published a Magnificat in the collection Vesper and compline music for multiple choirs at Routledge in New York. ISBN 978-0-81-5324263

Opera and musical drama


Giacobbi was highly regarded as a composer during his time. Unusually frequent salary increases indicate that his work was valued by his contemporaries.


  • Caro mea vere est cibus. Cathedral choir Münster. Directed by Hubert Leiwering (1930–1973) on: Music in Münster Cathedral , Harmonia Mundi , around 1960 OCLC 611722700
  • Exultate deodorant . The King's Singers , on: The King's Singers concert collection. Moss Music Group, 1976 OCLC 237786736
  • Litaniae Lauretanae. Niederaltaich scholars . Ltg. Konrad Ruhland , based on: The quintessence of chant, Sony classical, 1996 Recorded in the Basilica St. Michael in Altenstadt OCLC 945484154
  • L'Aurora ingannata. Gran Consort "Li Stromenti", Insieme Vocale "L'Homme Armé", headed by Gian Luca Lastraioli, Tactus, 1997 OCLC 605122014
  • De ore prudentis . University of Central Arkansas Concert Choir. Head of John Erwin. Recorded at a concert at the American Choral Directors Association National Convention , 2005 OCLC 1059473810
  • Luce gratiae tuae. Profeti della Quinta . Conducted by Elam Rotem, on the CD The Carlo G manuscript , recorded in the Chiesa dei Santi Eusebio e Vittore in Peglio 2016 Glossa Music


  • GIACOBBI GIROLAMO. In: Giovanni Fantuzzi Note degli scrittori bolognesi, raccolte da Giovanni Fantuzzi ... , Bologna, Stamperia di S. Tommaso d'Aquino, 1781-94
  • Girolamo Giacobbi. In: Alfred Baumgartner: Barockmusik, Kiesel Verlag, 1981, ISBN 3-7023-4002-5
  • Osvaldo Gambassi: Nuovi documenti su Girolamo Giacobbi. In: Rivista italiana di musicologia , Vol. 18, 1983, No. 1, pp. 29-48 OCLC 636246801 (Italian)
  • Osvaldo Gambassi: I primordi del melodramma a Bologna: apparati e machinismi de "Il Reno sacrificante", dramma in musica di Girolamo Giacobbi. In: Carrobbio, Anno X, 1984, pp. 136-148 OCLC 636246803 (Italian)
  • Marta Aceto: Giacobbi, Girolamo. In: Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani - Volume 54, 2000
  • Peter Smith and Marc Vanscheeuwijck:  Giacobbi, Girolamo. In: Grove Music Online (English; subscription required).
  • Winfried Woesler. Brülow's “Andromede” (1612) and Campeggi's “Andromeda” (1610) , In: Études Germaniques , Vol. 284, no. 4, 2016, pp. 545-557.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d GIACOBBI, Girolamo in "Dizionario Biografico". Retrieved February 20, 2017 .
  2. ^ Museo internazionale e biblioteca della musica - Catalogo Gaspari. Retrieved February 21, 2017 .
  3. a b Jeffrey Kurtzman (Ed.): Vesper and Compline Music for Multiple Choirs . tape 3 . Psychology Press, 2003, ISBN 978-0-8153-2426-3 .
  4. ^ A b Fantuzzi, Giovanni, 1718-1799: GIACOBBI GIROLAMO . In: Notes degli scrittori bolognesi, raccolte da Giovanni Fantuzzi ... Volume 4 . Stamperia di S. Tommaso d'Aquino, Bologna 1794 (Italian, ).