Gisela Glende

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Gisela Glende (née Trautzsch ; born October 30, 1925 in Lengefeld ; † February 3, 2016 in Berlin ) was a German SED functionary.


As the niece of the metal handle and KPD functionary Walter Trautzsch , she grew up in a communist working-class family, completed a commercial training at the commercial college and worked as an employee and clerk in the Lengefeld synthetic resin press. In 1945 she became a member of the KPD , in 1946 through the forced unification of the SPD and KPD a member of the SED. From 1945 to 1948 she was the head of the personnel department and secretary of the agitation and propaganda department of the Marienberg SED district leadership . In 1949/50 and 1955 to 1960 she completed a course or a distance learning course at the party college with a degree in social science . From 1951 to 1968 she was deputy office manager and then until 1986 - as the successor to Otto Schön - office manager of the Politburo of the Central Committee (ZK) of the SED . From 1971 to 1986 she was a member of the Central Committee of the SED, from 1986 to 1989 a member of the Central Revision Commission of the SED .

Since 1973 she was married to the SED functionary Günter Glende (1918-2004). She died at the age of 90.



Individual evidence

  1. Berliner Zeitung of October 30, 1985
  2. Obituaries in the new Germany from 13./14. February 2016, p. 5.
  3. Grandstand from June 18, 1981