Giuseppe Burzio

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COA archbishop Burzio Giuseppe.png

Giuseppe Burzio (born January 21, 1901 in Cambiano , Province of Turin , Italy , † February 10, 1966 ) was a Roman Catholic Archbishop and Vatican diplomat .


Giuseppe Burzio received on 29 June 1924 by the Apostolic Vicar of Kenya , Filippo Perlo IMC , the sacrament of the priesthood for the Archdiocese of Turin .

On May 2, 1946, Pope Pius XII appointed him . the Titular Archbishop of Gortyna and ordered him to Apostolic Nuncio in Bolivia . The Archbishop of Turin, Maurilio Cardinal Fossati OSSGCN , ordained him episcopal on June 30 of the same year ; Co- consecrators were the auxiliary bishop in Turin, Giovanni Battista Pinardi , and the bishop of Ivrea , Paolo Rostagno .

1935–1938 he was auditor of the nunciature in Prague and 1940–1945 Charge d'affaires of the Holy See in Pressburg (Bratislava) in the Slovak War Republic .

On December 18, 1950, Giuseppe Burzio became apostolic nuncio in Cuba . Burzio resigned as Apostolic Nuncio in Cuba on January 7, 1955.

Giuseppe Burzio participated in all four sessions of the Second Vatican Council .

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predecessor Office successor
Egidio Lari Apostolic Nuncio in Bolivia
Sergio Pignedoli
Antonio Taffi Apostolic Nuncio in Cuba
Luigi Centoz