Giuseppe Casoria

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Cardinal coat of arms of Giuseppe Casoria

Giuseppe Cardinal Casoria (born October 1, 1908 in Acerra , Province of Naples , Italy , † February 8, 2001 in Rome ) was a cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church .


Giuseppe Casoria received his theological and philosophical training in Acerra, Naples and Rome. He holds a PhD in Catholic theology as well as philosophy , civil law, and canon law . He received on 21 December 1930, the sacrament of the priesthood and worked from 1937 in various departments of the Roman Court. From 1962 to 1965 he participated as an expert at the Second Vatican Council , in 1969 he became secretary of the Congregation for the Sacraments .

Pope Paul VI appointed Giuseppe Casoria on January 6, 1972 titular archbishop of Forum Novum and on February 13 of the same year donated his episcopal ordination ; Co- consecrators were the Archbishop of Utrecht , Cardinal Bernard Jan Alfrink , and the Archbishop of Armagh , Cardinal William Conway . A year later, Pope Giuseppe Casoria appointed secretary of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints . On August 24, 1981, Pope John Paul II appointed him Pro-Prefect of the Congregation of Sacraments, two years later he accepted him as a cardinal deacon with the titular diaconia of San Giuseppe al Trionfale in the College of Cardinals and made him the cardinal prefect of the Congregation of Sacraments.

Giuseppe Cardinal Casoria resigned from office on April 8, 1984 for reasons of age. In 1993 he was raised to cardinal priest pro hac vice while retaining his title diakonia . He died in Rome on February 8, 2001 and was buried in his family's crypt in Acerra.

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predecessor Office successor
James Robert Cardinal Knox Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Order of the Sacraments
Paul Augustin Cardinal Mayer OSB