Giuseppe Crestadoro

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Giuseppe Crestadoro , also Cristadoro (* around 1711 in Palermo , † 1808 in Messina ) was an Italian painter of the late Baroque in Sicily .


Crestadoro was born the son of a goldsmith in Palermo, where his father apprenticed to Vito D'Anna . In 1743 he took up residence in Messina, where he first restored the frescoes by Litterio Paladini in the Santa Barbara basilica. Numerous orders for frescoes and panel paintings followed , mainly in the east of the island.

Most of Crestadoro's work in Messina was lost in the great earthquake of 1908 .


  • Ballroom of the Palazzo Ajutamicristo ( Palermo ): ceiling fresco “Glory of the virtuous Prince”
  • Chiesa San Antonio Abate (Palermo): frescoes "Stories about S. Anthony and the Virgin Mary" (1781)
  • Palazzo Canalotti and Villa Ajroldi (Palermo): ceiling frescoes
  • Chiesa SS. Annunziata ( Sortino ): frescoes "Annunciation"
  • Chiesa San Giovanni Evangelista (Sortino): two panel paintings
  • Chiesa San Sebastiano (Sortino): frescoes
  • Chiesa San Antonio Abbate (Sortino): frescoes (1778)
  • Cathedral ( Syracuse ): (panel paintings)
  • Chiesa dell'Abadia di Gangi (Syracuse): frescoes
  • Chiesa San Francesco (Syracuse): Dome frescoes (inscribed “Joseph Cristadoro Panus pinxit 1777”)
  • Chiesa di Santa Maria Maggiore ( Ispica ): Fresco "Moses receives the tablets of the law" (1783)
  • Chiesa San Pietro ( Agrigento ): frescoes with scenes from the life of the apostles
  • Collegio die Filippini (Agrigento): panel
  • Chiesa San Sebastiano ( Ferla ): panel “Martyrdom of S. Sebastian”
  • Chiesa San Antonio (Ferla): frescoes
  • Chiesa di S. Antonio Abate ( Cassaro ): main altarpiece
  • Parrocchia Maria SS. Ausiliatrice (Monteroni di Lecce): panel
  • Santuario di San Giacomo Apostolo Maggiore ( Capizzi ): frescoes
  • San Francesco di Paolo (Messina): panel "Holy Family and St. Anthony of Padua"
  • Chiesa Santa Teresa ( Messina ): panel paintings
  • Chiesa San Giuseppe ( Ragusa ): Panel "Trinity and Angels" (1801)
  • Cathedral, Cappella dell'Assunta ( Reggio Calabria ): panel "Assumption of Mary"


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