Gmina Łęczna

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Gmina Łęczna
Coat of arms of Gmina Łęczna
Gmina Łęczna (Poland)
Gmina Łęczna
Gmina Łęczna
Basic data
State : Poland
Voivodeship : Lublin
Powiat : Łęczna
Geographic location : 51 ° 18 '  N , 22 ° 53'  E Coordinates: 51 ° 18 '0 "  N , 22 ° 53' 0"  E
Residents : s. Gmina
Postal code : 21-010 to 21-017
Telephone code : (+48) 81
License plate : LLE
Economy and Transport
Street : Lublin - Włodawa
Next international airport : Lublin
Gminatype: Urban-and-rural parish
Gmina structure: 17 localities
Surface: 74.90 km²
Residents: 23,300
(Jun. 30, 2019)
Population density : 311 inhabitants / km²
Community number  ( GUS ): 0610033
Administration (as of 2007)
Mayor : Teodor Kosiarski
Address: pl. Kościuszki 5
21-010 Łęczna
Website :

The Gmina Łęczna [ ˈwɛnʧna ] is an urban-and-rural municipality in the powiat Łęczyński of the Lublin Voivodeship in Poland . The seat of the municipality and the powiat is the city ​​of the same name with 19,300 inhabitants (2016).


In addition to the city, the urban and rural municipality of Łęczna includes 16 villages (population in brackets):

Ciechanki Krzesimowskie (275); Ciechanki Łęczyńskie (80); Karolin (130); Leopoldów (80); Łuszczów Kolonia (290); Nowogród (330); Piotrówek Drugi (100); Podzamcze (540); Rossosz (50); Stara Wieś (300); Stara Wieś Kolonia (150); Stara Wieś Stasin (140); Trebaczów (240); Witaniów (300); Zakrzów (180); Zofiówka (240).

Partner communities

Web links

Commons : Gmina Łęczna  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. population. Size and Structure by Territorial Division. As of June 30, 2019. Główny Urząd Statystyczny (GUS) (PDF files; 0.99 MiB), accessed December 24, 2019 .