Gottfried Glassner

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Gottfried Glassner OSB (born April 15, 1950 in Leopolds , baptismal name: Paul Anton) is a Catholic Austrian theologian (Old Testament scholar), Benedictine priest and director of the Melk Abbey Library .


Born in Leopolds , part of the Kottes parish , he graduated from the Melk Abbey High School in 1969 and also entered the Benedictine Abbey there. From 1970 to 1976 he studied philosophy and theology in Salzburg and Innsbruck . In 1976 he was ordained a priest .

From 1980 to 1984 P. Glassner was an assistant at the Institute for Old Testament Biblical Studies in Innsbruck and at the same time he has been the librarian of the Melker Abbey Library since 1980. From 1984 to 1986 he was a chaplain in the city parish of Melk and has been providing pastoral support in the hospital pastoral care in Melk since 1984. Since 1986 he has been working as a research assistant at the International Research Center Salzburg in the Christian East department. In 1990 Glassner was awarded a Dr. theol. PhD. From 1991 to 2001 he was a permanent member of the working committee of the Pro Oriente section in Salzburg. Since 2001 he has been the national secretary of the Andreas-Petrus-Werk / Catholica Unio Austria .

He has been professor of the Old Testament since October 1, 2005 , having been a lecturer in Hebrew since 1998 and in the theology and history of the Christian East since 2003 . He is also a lecturer for the Old and New Testaments at the Pedagogical Academy of the Diocese of St. Pölten in Krems .

Scientific focus

His main research interests are ancient oriental languages (ancient Egyptian, Coptic, Hebrew), ancient oriental iconography and archeology , biblical theology and hermeneutics of the Old Testament, the Christian Orient and the history of the Melk Abbey Library.

Publications (selection)

  • Vision of a Jerusalem founded on promise. Text analytical studies on Isaiah 54 , Klosterneuburg 1991, Austrian Catholic Biblical Work, ISBN 3-85396-082-0
  • with Alja Payer : Bibliography of German-language literature on Christianity in Russia (and successor states of the USSR) 1986 - 1993 , Salzburg 1996, International Research Center Salzburg, ISBN 3-9500485-1-0

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