Gottfried Leonhard Baudis the Elder

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Gottfried Leonhard Baudis the Elder

Gottfried Leonhard Baudis the Elder (also: Baudiss ; * August 4, 1683 in Liegnitz ; † February 8, 1739 in Leipzig ) was a German legal scholar.


The son of pastor Andreas Baudis (born January 31, 1649 in Liegnitz; † May 11, 1706 ibid) and his wife Anne Ursula (née Thilo) had attended the Elisabeth Gymnasium in Wroclaw after completing their basic training in his hometown . In 1701 he began studying at the University of Halle . Here he found his first teacher in Johann Franz Buddeus at the philosophical faculty. He also attended the law lectures given by Christian Thomasius and Samuel Stryk .

After two years he moved to the University of Leipzig , where he stayed with his uncle, the city judge Leonhard Baudis (born February 18, 1651 in Liegnitz; † November 8, 1709 in Leipzig). Here he devoted himself primarily to Lüder Mencke , Gottfried Nikolaus Ittig (1645–1710), Gottlieb Gerhard Titius (1661–1714), Gottfried Barth (1650–1728), Christian Gottfried Frankenstein (1661–1717) and Johann Christoph Schacher (1667 –1720) studying legal sciences.

Baudis himself lectured in 1704 and was admitted to practice as a notary in 1705. In order to devote himself to an academic career, he acquired a master's degree in Leipzig in 1706 . In 1707 he became a member of the College of Our Dear Women . After a short stay in his hometown, he received his doctorate in law at the University of Jena in 1709 .

He returned to Leipzig, became a councilor in 1715, supervisor of the Leipzig council library in 1720, and in the same year a lawyer at the court of higher courts . In 1726 he became city judge, in 1733 syndic of the city of Leipzig and in 1734 assessor at the Leipzig consistory . After he had been awarded the title of Royal Polish and Electoral Saxon Appellate Council, he was also appointed full professor of the Code at the Leipzig University in 1734 , which he took up on November 25th.

The professorship was connected to a canonical at the Merseburg Abbey and at the same time he was appointed decemvir of the academy. When he had also become an assessor in the law faculty in 1735, he also took over the rectorate of the alma mater in the winter semester of 1736 . However, he did not achieve great academic effectiveness because he died at the age of 56. Like his wife, he was buried in the Paulinerkirche in Leipzig .


In 1711 Baudis had married Marie (Magdalena) Sybilla, the third daughter of the Leipzig merchant and councilor Christoph Georg Winkler (born January 30, 1658 in Leipzig; † September 15, 1709 ibid). From this marriage, the lawyer and historian Gottfried Leonhard Baudis the Younger (born July 26, 1712 in Leipzig, † September 17, 1764 in Braunschweig) is known.


In addition to various specialist articles, the following individual works are known by Baudis:

  • Disp. De titulis viri illustris, spechtabilis, clarissimi, magnifici, excellentissimi et amplissimi, olim aulicis nunc etiam scholastics. Leipzig 1706
  • Diss. De legibus conviviorum. Jena 1709
  • Program de scholis juridicis Graecorum et Romanorum. Leipzig 1734
  • Diss. De indole causarum ecclesiastticarum. Leipzig 1735
  • Progr. De allegationibus, quae actionem sequuntur, ex veteri jure. Leipzig 1736
  • Progr. De dore juris Germanicici. Leipzig 1738
