Johann Christoph Schacher

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Johann Christoph Schacher (born March 31, 1667 in Leipzig ; † March 29, 1720 there ) was a German legal scholar.


The son of Christoph Hartmann Schacher (1633–1690) studied at the University of Leipzig and at the University of Frankfurt (Oder) with Samuel Stryk . After a scholarly trip through Italy, he returned to Leipzig in 1691 and obtained the academic degree of a master's degree in philosophy and in 1693 received his doctorate in secular and ecclesiastical law.

In 1697 he became an attorney at the Saxon Court of Justice in Saxony , in 1701 became an associate professor with the title verborum significatione , rose to full professor of the institutes in 1708 , was professor of the Pandects and associated canon in Naumburg in 1709 . In 1710 he became Decemvir of the university, canon in Merseburg and assessor of the law faculty. In 1714, Schacher was an assessor at the Court of Appeal, as well as professor of the Code, and in the winter semester of 1703 he was rector of the Alma Mater .

He was buried on March 19, 1720 in the Paulinerkirche in Leipzig .

Works (selection)

Schacher had left behind some dissertations with a civil law content. He also wrote the annotations for the grandfather's Collegium practicum, which never appeared in print.

  • Diss. De Disserentia juris communis et statutarii reip. Francof. Ad Moenum circa alienationem. 1713
  • De portione statutaria, quatenus illi praejudicum inferri possit a conjugibus. 1692
  • De hominibus glebae adscriptis Lusatiae Superioris. 1715
  • De impugnatione facti proprii.
  • Utrum in contraendo vel negoziando aliquem circa pretium infra dimidium salva conscientis laedere liceat?
  • De restrinta testatoris protestate et C.


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