Wei (Huayin) State Great Wall

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The Great Wall from the state Wei of the Warring States Period in Huayin华阴市in the Chinese province of Shaanxi is part of the Great Wall of Wei (Wei Changcheng魏长城). The site of the Great Wall of Wei State (Wei changcheng yizhi 魏 长城 遗址) has been on the list of monuments of the People's Republic of China (4-32) since 1996 . It runs in the area of ​​Huayin 华阴 市, Dali大荔 县 and Hancheng韩 城市 in Shaanxi. The wall formed the border between the ancient states of Wei and Qin during the Warring States Period.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. http://b.baidu.com/view/327241.html