Great Bear Stone

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Great Bear Stone
View from the Kleiner Bärenstein to the Großer Bärenstein

View from the Kleiner Bärenstein to the Großer Bärenstein

height 327  m above sea level NHN
location near Weißig , district of Saxon Switzerland-Eastern Ore Mountains , Saxony ( Germany )
Mountains Saxon Switzerland
Coordinates 50 ° 56 '47 "  N , 14 ° 2' 43"  E Coordinates: 50 ° 56 '47 "  N , 14 ° 2' 43"  E
Great Bear Stone (Saxony)
Great Bear Stone
Type Table Mountain
rock Sandstone

The Great Bear Stone is 327  m above sea level. NHN high table mountain in Saxon Switzerland in the Saxon district of Saxon Switzerland-Eastern Ore Mountains . Immediately adjacent is the Kleiner Bärenstein , which, together with the Großer Bärenstein, forms the Bärenstein massif .

Location and surroundings

The Großer Bärenstein lies in the Elbe loop of Rathen . Right at the foot are the forests of the farmer Fleck from Weißig and the villages Thürmsdorf and Naundorf , as well as the district of Pötzscha from Stadt Wehlen .

There are several climbing rocks on the Großer Bärenstein. Its summit is “split in two” with a saddle. The north side offers a beautiful view of the city of Wehlen and the Elbe valley towards Pirna , while the south or east side offers a view of the Königstein fortress and the mountains between Papststein and Schrammsteinen .

The ascent can be done from Naundorf to the west (easy, without trail markings) or on the north side from Pötzscha (Riegelhofstiege, difficult, via ferrata).


In contrast to the Kleiner Bärenstein, the mountain is almost completely forested and therefore does not offer an unrestricted all-round view.

Web links

Commons : Großer Bärenstein  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b Map services of the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation ( information )
  2. Roland H. Winkelhöfer: The Quirl without a doubt ... A local history of the 20 table mountains on the left Elbe in Saxon Switzerland. ISBN 3-00-004380-2
  3. Peter Rölke: Stiegen-Wanderführer Sächsische Schweiz , Berg- & Naturverlag Rölke, 2012, ISBN 978-3-934514-27-0 , pp. 54–60