Big pillow star

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Big pillow star
Culcita novaeguineae, semiadult

Culcita novaeguineae , semi adult

Class : Starfish (asteroidea)
Order : Valve stars (Valvatida)
Subordination : Granulosina
Family : Roller, pillow and knobbed starfish (Oreasteridae)
Genre : Culcita
Type : Big pillow star
Scientific name
Culcita novaeguineae
Müller & Troschel , 1842

The large pillow star ( Culcita novaeguineae ), also called the Eastern pillow starfish or New Guinea pillow star , is a large starfish that can reach 30 centimeters in diameter . It lives in the eastern Indian Ocean and the Pacific , from the Bay of Bengal to Hawaii .


In the case of the large pillow star, the extremely short arms and the body are fused together to form a pentagon, in the case of full-grown specimens the body is rounded and appears inflated like a pillow. Young animals are even more star-shaped and the arms are still clearly visible. The animals are very variable in color and can be brown, green, red, black or gray. Pore-rich zones appear as spots on the upper side. Large pillow stars can easily be confused with the spiked pillow star ( Culcita schmideliana ), the skin of which is slightly more spiky and which has a distribution area further west from East Africa to Western Australia .

Way of life

Large pillow stars live on coral reefs in shallow water at a depth of 5 to 30 meters. They feed on hard coral polyps, preferably of the genera Acropora and Pocillopora , but also on detritus , various microorganisms and other sessile invertebrates . They are probably segregated and asexual reproduction has not yet been observed. Large pillow stars are sometimes hosts of the commensal partner shrimp Periclimenes soror .


Web links

Commons : Culcita novaeguineae  - album with pictures, videos and audio files