Gustav Ehlermann

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Gustav Otto Heinrich Werner Ehlermann (born February 3, 1885 in Berlin ; † February 4, 1936 in Varel / Oldenburg) was a German politician ( DDP , DStP).

Live and act

Gustav Ehlermann was born in 1885 as the son of the Berlin businessman Christian Ehlermann and his wife Marie (née Carstens, 1862–1938). After his father's death in 1893, Ehlermann moved with his mother to Oldenburg, where he attended grammar school and graduated from high school in 1903. He then belonged to the Hanoverian Pioneer Battalion 10 in Minden as a flagjunker . From 1905 to 1908 Ehlermann studied law and political science at the universities of Freiburg , Geneva , Kiel , Munich and Berlin . He passed the first state legal examination in 1908 (trainee lawyer), the second followed in 1912 (assessor). After a short time as a magistrate's assistant in Rüstringen , he became a lawyer in November 1912 - notary from 1922 - in Oldenburg.

From 1914 to 1918 Ehlermann took part in the First World War as a captain , battalion commander and staff officer of the 14th Division . With the revolutionary upheaval in 1918, Ehlermann began his political career and joined the German Democratic Party (DDP). In 1919 he became a member of the Oldenburg State Parliament , but resigned in 1920.

In the Reichstag election of May 1928 , Ehlermann was finally elected to the Reichstag , to which he belonged until September 1930 as a representative of constituency 14 (Weser-Ems). In the Reichstag he was, among other things, a member of the Criminal Law Committee and made friends with the democratic party leader and Justice Minister Erich Koch-Weser . In the elections in September 1930, Ehlermann did not return to the Reichstag, and his two-year membership in the DDP party committee also ended at the same time. When the DDP joined forces with other groups to form the German State Party in 1930 , Ehlermann went along with this. For the state party, he was once again a member of the Oldenburg state parliament from 1931 to 1933. In the state elections in 1932, he was their top candidate. He was also a city councilor in Oldenburg from 1927.

Ehlermann pleaded for the maintenance of the civil servants' government , from which he promised himself the representation of the common good and the stabilization of democracy . In the Reichstag elections in March 1933 , when the state party's election campaign was massively hindered by the National Socialists , Ehlermann ran again, but without success. The state party had long since sunk into insignificance. Due to his experiences in the Oldenburg election campaign, he spoke out in the summer of 1933 for the dissolution of the state party, as he saw no more possibilities of action.

Ehlermann died in a car accident near Varel in 1936.


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Individual evidence

  1. Claudia-Anja Kaune: Willy Hellpach (1877-1955) , 2005, p. 250.
  2. Cécile Lowenthal-Hensel : Today I spoke with you. Diaries of a Berlin journalist 1926-1932 , 1971, p. 350.