Hélène Parmelin

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Hélène Parmelin (born August 19, 1915 in Nancy , Département Meurthe-et-Moselle , † February 5, 1998 in Paris ) was a French journalist and writer with Russian roots.

Live and act

Parmelin was the younger daughter of the Russian exile Arkadi Jungelson and his wife Vera Halfin. The later historian Olga Wormser (1912–2002) was her older sister.

In 1907, after the Russian Revolution , Parmelin's parents left tsarist Russia and lost themselves on the way into exile in Switzerland . In the Russian community in exile in Geneva they met Lenin, among others . Before Lenin settled in Zurich , the Jungelson family went to Nancy.

There Parmelin completed her school days and received her Baccalaureat there . She married Serge Parmelin and went to French Indochina with her husband and stayed there for over two years. Long disputes during their return trip led to the final separation.

After the German occupation , Parmelin began to support the Resistance and joined the Parti communiste français (PCF) in 1944 . From this time on she worked for the party's own daily newspaper L'Humanité . After the liberation she worked as a foreign correspondent for this newspaper until 1953.

After the Second World War she made the acquaintance of the painter Édouard Pignon . She married him in Paris in June 1950 and had a son with him, Nicolas. Through her husband she got to know many artists and according to her own admission she was most fascinated by Pablo Picasso .

After the popular uprising in Hungary in 1956 and its suppression, Parmelin distanced himself from communism and from Stalinism . When her colleague Robert Barrat wrote his 121 Manifesto against the Algerian War in September 1960 , she was one of the first to sign.

Hélène Parmelin died on February 5, 1998 in Paris and found her final resting place on the Cimetière Montparnasse next to her husband Édouard Pignon.


In addition to her journalistic work, Parmelin wrote some successful novels. Some of your essays have been discussed controversially because the majority of them deal with political issues. In her non-fiction books she turned almost exclusively to art and thematized the life and work of her husband and her close friend Pablo Picasso. She was far less successful with her plays. The Institut mémoires de l'édition contemporaine (IMEC) looks after your literary estate .


Fonts (selection)


  • La montée du mur . EFR, Paris 1950.
  • Noir sur blanc . Julliard, Paris 1954.
    • German: black on white . Dietz, Berlin 1962.
  • Léonard dans l'autre monde . Edition 10/118, Paris 1974 (EA Paris 1957)
  • Le voyage à Lucerne . Laffont, Paris 1980, ISBN 2-221-00502-3 (EA Paris 1965).
  • Le monde indigo . Stock, Paris 1978 (2 vols.)
  1. Cramponne . 1978, ISBN 2-234-00824-7 .
  2. Le soleil tombe dans le mer . 1978, ISBN 2-234-00890-5 .


  • Un example. Henri Martin, second maître de la marine . Comité de defense, Paris 1951.
  • Cinq semaines chez les hommes libres (Democraties populaires). EFR, Paris 1951.
  • Matricule 2078. L'affaire Henri Martin . EFR, Paris 1953.
    • German: Henri Martin . Volk und Wissen publishing house, Berlin 1954.
  • Les mystères de Moscou . Julliard, Paris 1956.
  • The complexe de Filacciano. Essai sur la dépolitisation . Julliard, Paris 1960.
  • Libérez les communistes . Stock, Paris 2000, ISBN 2-234-01078-0 (EA Paris 1979)
  • Une passion pour sanary . Edsud, Aix-en-Provence 1980, ISBN 2-85744-073-1 .
  • La désinvolture. Auto pamphlet . Édition Bourgeois, Paris 1983, ISBN 2-267-00343-0 .


  • together with Olga Wormser: Introduction à la peinture modern . Studio Raber, Paris 1945.
  • Estampes chinoises révolutionnaires . Cercle d'Art, Paris 1951.
  • Le massacre des innocents. L'art et la guerre . Cercle d'Art, Paris 1954.
  • Cinq peintres et le théâtre. Léger , Coutaud , Gischia , Labisse , Édouard Pignon . Cercle d'Art, Paris 1956.
Edouard Pignon
  • Edouard Pignon . Galérie de France, Paris 1960.
  • Edouard Pignon. Touches en zigzag pour a portrait . Édition Marval, Paris 1987, ISBN 2-86234-009-X .
  • Pignon . Denoël, Paris 1985, ISBN 2-207-23107-0 (also catalog of the exhibition of the same name, Galéries nationales du Grand Palais , February 23 to April 15, 1985).
  • Pignon. Les nus rouges . Édition Bourgeois, Paris 1973.
Pablo Picasso
  • Picasso sur la place . Julliard, Paris 1955.
    • German: At Picasso . Desch, Munich 1957.
  • Picasso. Les dames de Mougins . Cercle d'Art, Paris 1964.
    • German: Picasso. Studio secrets. The ladies of Mougin . Dausien, Hanau 1970.
  • Picasso. Le peintre et son modèle . Cercle d'Art, Paris 1965.
    • German: Picasso. The painter and his model. Intimate from a studio . Dausien, Hanau 1969.
  • Picasso dit . Gonthier, Paris 1966.
    • German: Picasso says . Desch, Munich 1957.


  • Le contre-pitre . Édition Bourgeois, Paris 1973.
  • Belperroque ou l'enterrement du Perroquet. Guignol en trois actres et un épilogue . Édition Bourgeois, Paris 1977, ISBN 2-267-00062-8 .
  • La mort au diable . Édition Bourgeois, Paris 1982.


  • Alan Rose: Surrealism and communism. The early years . Peter Lang Verlag, New York 1991, ISBN 0-8204-1384-4 .

Individual evidence

  1. according to another spelling Jongelson .
  2. in Spiegelgasse 14 .
  3. Named after the journalist Félix Fénéon (1861–1944).