Hüsrev talk

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Husrev talk
Hüsrev talk with Karakul sheep

Hüsrev Gerede (born May 19, 1884 in Edirne , † March 20, 1962 in Istanbul ) was a Turkish military, politician and diplomat.


Hüsrev Gerede was a close confidante of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk . When introducing surnames , he received the name of the city Gerede . Hüsrev Gerede went to school in Erzurum . After the father's death, the family moved to Istanbul. There, Gerede studied at the military academy and was admitted to the General Staff. In 1912 during the Balkan War he was an employee of the intelligence service of the first Caucasian Corps, in 1913 he was a military attaché in Athens , member of the border drawing commission, and replaced Mazhar Müfit Kansu as Vali of the Bitlis province . Melle Selim led a Kurdish uprising in Hizan . Hüsrev Gerede sent troops that were wiped out, the Kurdish armed forces occupied two districts of Bitlis . Other Turkish troops put down the uprising, there were numerous arrests and one trial, some were executed and some sent into exile. Melle Sellim found asylum in the Russian consulate, with the beginning of the First World War , Turkish troops stormed the consulate, Melle Selim and 18 colleagues were sentenced to death.

In the last term of the Ottoman Parliament , Gerede was a replacement for Trabzon . He sat in the first legislative term for Trabzon in the Grand National Assembly of Turkey and was its president. From February 21, 1921 to March 12, 1922 he took the position at the London Conference that the Treaty of Sèvres was not applicable to Turkey. From May 7, 1924 to 1926 he was envoy to Budapest . From 1926 to 1930 he was envoy in Sofia . From October 1, 1930 to July 1, 1934 he was envoy to Tehran , and in 1934 Reza Shah Pahlavi signed a Turkish-Iranian friendship treaty against the Kurds with Mustafa Kemal Ataturk . Hüsrev Gerede was envoy in Tokyo from January 6, 1936 to September 5, 1939 . From September 5, 1939 to July 27, 1942 he was envoy in Berlin . From February 5, 1947 to July 19, 1949 he was envoy to Rio de Janeiro .

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Individual evidence

  1. Ernst Tremel, Musa Anter , Meine Memoiren p.75 f. FN 344.
predecessor Office successor
Envoy to Budapest
May 7, 1924 to 1926
Rıfat Turgut Menemencioğlu
Ali Türkgeldi Envoy to Sofia from
1926 to 1930
Tevfik Kamil Koperler
Vehbi Gizey Envoy to Tehran
October 1, 1930 to July 1, 1934
Enis Akaygen
Nebil Batı Envoy to Tokyo
January 6, 1936 to September 5, 1939
Ahmet Ferit Tek
Mehmed Hamdi Arpag Envoy to Berlin from
September 5, 1939 to April 27, 1942
Mustafa Saffet Arikan
İlhami Müren Envoy to Rio de Janeiro
February 5, 1947 to July 19, 1949
Mehmet Fuat Carim