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Hizan (Turkey)
Red pog.svg
Basic data
Province (il) : Bitlis
Coordinates : 38 ° 14 '  N , 42 ° 26'  E Coordinates: 38 ° 13 '32 "  N , 42 ° 25' 37"  E
Residents : 12,127 (2018)
Telephone code : (+90) 434
Postal code : 13 600
License plate : 13
Structure and administration (as of 2019)
Structure : 10 malls
Mayor : Cezail Aktaş ( SP )
Hizan County
Residents : 34,186 (2018)
Surface: 1,021 km²
Population density : 33 inhabitants per km²
Kaymakam : Bülent Hamitoğlu
Website (Kaymakam):
Template: Infobox location in Turkey / maintenance / district

Hizan (formerly Erzent ; Armenian Խիզան ) is a district town and a district in the Turkish province of Bitlis . The city is home to about 35% of the district's population.


The district is the southernmost district of the province and borders in the north on the district of Tatvan and in the north-west on the central district of Bitlis ( Merkez ). Şirvan County to the southwest and Pervari County to the south , both of Siirt Province, form the border. In the east, the districts of Gevaş and Bahçesaray (both province of Van ) border the district. In addition to the district town, it also consists of 75 villages ( Köy ) with an average of 294 residents. Two of the villages have more than a thousand inhabitants: Gayda (1,330) and Döküktaş (1,133 pop .).

The population density (33.5) is below the provincial average (42.1 inh. Per km²).


Hizan was under the rule of the Umayyads , Abbasids , Seljuks and the Ayyubids . In 1514 Hizan became Ottoman .

In the 19th century, Hizan was a village within the Ottoman Vilâyets Erzurum. In 1910 it was the seat of an Armenian apostolic bishop of the Catholicate of Aghtamar with 69 parishes, 64 churches and 25,000 believers. In 1913 Hizan was occupied by the Russians, but abandoned again in 1914.

Hizan was declared a county within Bitlis in 1919. In 1936 the district came to the province of Mus , but a little later it fell back to the province of Bitlis.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Türkiye Nüfusu İl ilçe Mahalle Köy Nüfusları , accessed on May 25, 2019
  2. Archbishop Maghakia Ormanian : The Church of Armenia , V. and H. Der-Nersesian, Constantinople 1911 [Original title: Հայոց եկեղեցին եւ իր պատմութիւնը վարդապետութիւնը վարչութիւնը բարեկարգութիւնը արարողութիւնը գրականութիւնը ու ներկայ կացուիւնը:], page 263