Franz Haller von Hallerkeö

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Franz Graf Haller von Hallerskeö, lithograph by Josef Kriehuber , 1844

Franz Count Haller von Hallerkeö (born March 24, 1796 in Kerelö-St. Pál in Transylvania , † March 5, 1875 in Vienna ) was an Austrian general and Ban of Croatia .


Franz comes from the Hungarian-Transylvanian line of Count Haller von Hallerstein ("keö" means "stone" in Hungarian) and was born as the son of Count Josef from his marriage to Therese Countess Kohary . After studying law, he joined the army and was appointed officer on the battlefield after the Battle of Leipzig. For several years he was treasurer of Archduke Palatine Josef, then colonel of a hussar regiment and finally first lieutenant in the royal Hungarian bodyguard .

In 1841 he was appointed Banus of Croatia. On June 16, 1842 he advanced to major general , a real privy councilor and owner of two border regiments. In 1845, at his own request, he was relieved of his post as a ban and chief counselor. On June 21, 1848 he was promoted to field marshal lieutenant , took part in this function in the Italian campaign in 1848 and 1849 , then became the commander of the fortress of Peschiera and owner of the hussar regiment No. 12.

In 1856 Haller was Archduke Albrecht's deputy as governor of Hungary. On November 27, 1859 the officer was promoted to general of the cavalry and soon afterwards, on April 19, 1860, retired. In 1861 he was appointed a member of the manor house of the Reichsrat for life. He was awarded the Commander's Cross of the St. Stephan and Leopold Order and in 1869 the Order of the Golden Fleece .

coat of arms

Coat of arms of the Counts of Haller in Transylvania 1713

1713: Squared Shield; 1 and 4 a round silver basin in red. 2 and 3, in gold, two black ibex horns, juxtaposed lengthways, with the tips outwardly curved at the top. Two crowned helmets rise on the count's crown. On the right is the silver basin of the 1st and 4th field, on the left a silver crowned column, removed from the black horns of the 2nd and 3rd field, which is decorated with three ostrich feathers, red, black, and red. The helmet covers are red and silver on the right, black and gold on the left.


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Individual evidence

  1. Constantin von Wurzbach: "Biographisches Lexikon des Kaiserthums Oesterreich", 7th part, KK Hof- und Staatsdruckerei, Vienna 1861, p. 246
  2. ^ A b c Antonio Schmidt-Brentano: The kk or kuk Generalität 1816–1918, Austrian State Archives, 2007, p. 63
  3. List nominal des chevaliers de l'ordre de la Toison d'or, depuis son instiution jusqu'à nos jours , in: The House of Austria and the Order of the Golden Fleece. Edited by the Ordenskanzlei. Leopold Stocker Verlag, Graz / Stuttgart 2007 ( ISBN 978-3-7020-1172-7 ), pp. 161–198, here p. 191.
  4. Prof. Dr. Ernst Heinrich Kneschke: "German count houses of the present: in heraldic, historical and genealogical relation", 1st volume, AK, Verlag TO Weigel, Leipzig 1852, p. 308