Hamburger grid (film)

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Original title Hamburger grid
Country of production Germany
original language German
Publishing year 2018
length 78 min minutes
Age rating FSK 12
Director Marco Heinig; Steffen Maurer
script Marco Heing, Steffen Maurer, Luise Burchard, Luca Vogel
production Mischa Pfisterer, Sophie Krause
music Robin Plenio
camera Michael Zimmer, Steffen Maurer
cut Marco Heinig, Luise Burchard
  • Gabriele Heinecke
  • Rafael Behr
  • Christiane Schneider
  • Katharina Schipkowski
  • Daniel Loick
  • Karl-Heinz Dellwo
  • Benjamin Derin
  • Peter Ullrich
  • Oliver von Dobrowolski
  • Elsa Koester
  • Heribert Prantl
  • Timo Zill

Hamburg Grid is a German documentary film by Marco Heinig , Steffen Maurer, Luise Burchard and Luca Vogel about the events surrounding the G20 summit in Hamburg 2017 and the way the security forces deal with the population and protests .


The events are told along the lines of basic rights such as freedom of demonstration , the presumption of innocence and freedom of the press . The film does not proceed chronologically, but delves deeper and deeper into a network of systematic violations of fundamental rights. Twelve experts from science, politics, media and police as well as four injured demonstration participants illuminate the complex from different angles.

The film deals with the guarantees of the Basic Law, with the question of whether they could withstand and the often discussed question of the state of emergency and similarity to a police state . Give answers u. a. Rafael Behr (Professor of Police Science, Academy of Police Hamburg), Christiane Schneider (Hamburg City Council), Heribert Prantl (Editor-in-Chief Süddeutsche Zeitung); the press spokesman for the Hamburg police force; the young activist Fabio V., who was in custody for four months, and many more.


After the Berlin film collective leftvision published several short reports and reports online under a Creative Commons license during the G20 summit in June 2017 , the filmmakers decided to produce a longer documentary. The low-budget project could be completed with the support of own reserves on the anniversary of the summit in June 2018 and celebrated its premiere on June 22, 2018 at Kino International and was a surprise success.


»A very precise analysis, the likes of which I have never seen before in the cinema« Knut Elstermann from RadioEins in the program "Twelve o'clock noon", August 4, 2018

»A" showcase for modern police work ". To look at it again in practice is particularly worthwhile [...] The film Hamburger Lattice, [...] Its very existence is, despite everything, a reason for hope « Süddeutsche Zeitung of June 30, 2018

»It is all the more astonishing that a documentary with the Hamburger lattice is currently ensuring full halls and internet trailers clicked hundreds of thousands of times. « TIME from July 26th 2018

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Erik Peter: Film about G20 police violence: Turning point Schanzenviertel . In: The daily newspaper: taz . June 14, 2018, ISSN  0931-9085 ( [accessed February 10, 2019]).
  2. ^ NDR: Trial against G20 opponent Fabio V. burst. Retrieved February 10, 2019 .
  3. leftvision |. Retrieved February 10, 2019 .
  4. Artistic cinema, films, reviews, art cinema, art house cinema, AG Kino-Gilde. Retrieved February 10, 2019 .
  5. program. (No longer available online.) Formerly in the original ; accessed on May 9, 2020 .  ( Page no longer available , search in web archives )@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /
  6. Philipp Bovermann: In the tear gas . In: . June 29, 2018, ISSN  0174-4917 ( [accessed February 10, 2019]).
  7. Martin Eimermacher: "Hamburg Grid": Police, State, Society . In: The time . July 27, 2018, ISSN  0044-2070 ( [accessed February 10, 2019]).