Hannspeter Winter

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Hannspeter Winter (born August 22, 1941 in Wels ; † November 8, 2006 in Vienna ) was an Austrian physicist . He was internationally known for his research in the field of plasma physics (especially nuclear fusion research ), atomic physics and molecular physics as well as surface physics .


Hannspeter Winter was born as the son of Josef Winter and Hadwig Winter, b. Loacker, born. He grew up in Wels and Bregenz, attended the Stella Matutina high school in Feldkirch and the HTL Mödling and then studied physics at the TU Vienna. As a student, he hitchhiked to India and Africa.

Winter received his doctorate in technical sciences at the Vienna University of Technology in 1970 and in the same year worked as a research assistant at the Austrian Research Center Seibersdorf. From 1970 to 1980 he was assistant professor at the Vienna University of Technology, and from 1973 to 1975 visiting researcher and consultant at the Society for Heavy Ion Research in Darmstadt. In 1976/77 he worked as a visiting researcher at the FOM Instituut voor Atoom- en Molecuulfysica (AMOLF) in Amsterdam. From 1980 to 1990 Winter was university professor for plasma physics at the Vienna University of Technology and in 1986 visiting researcher at the University of Groningen . In addition, between 2003 and 2006, after receiving the Alexander von Humboldt Research Prize, he spent several months as a visiting researcher at the Humboldt University in Berlin .

From 1987 to 2006 he was head of the Institute for General Physics (IAP) at the Vienna University of Technology, from 1990 full professor for general physics, and from 1996 to 2006 Head of Research Unit of the Austrian coordination office for nuclear fusion research within the framework of EURATOM . He has been a member of the Senate of the Vienna University of Technology since 1990, and since 2002 spokesman for the professors in the Vienna University of Technology Senate.

Winter was a corresponding member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences since 1998 . He was co-editor of Europhysics Letters , Heavy Ion Physics , Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion . Winter has published around 270 publications in refereed international scientific journals.

Winter died unexpectedly of a heart attack while running, his most important leisure activity . He was buried at the Vienna Central Cemetery. Winter was married to the judge Renate Winter and has a son, Dorian Winter, as well as a sister, Erika Winter-Wilde and a brother, Michael Winter. Hannspeter Winter had been a member of the Catholic student association KAV Bajuvaria Vienna in the ÖCV since 1962 .

Committee engagement

Winter was involved in numerous committees

  • Head of the Technical Committee for Atomic, Molecular and Plasma Physics of the Austrian Physical Society (ÖPG) (1987/1988)
  • Chairman of the ÖPG (1989–1991)
  • Chairman of the Physics Section Commission (1990–1995)
  • Chairman of the Austrian Association of University Professors (1991–1993)
  • Deputy Chairman of the Austrian Federal Professors' Conference (1991-2001)
  • Austrian Representative in the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) (1993–1999)
  • Deputy Chairman of the IUPAP Commission C 15 on Atomic and Molecular Physics and Spectroscopy (1996–1999)
  • Chairman of the Atomic and Molecular Physics Division Board of the European Physical Society (EPS) (1998–2000)
  • Member of the Plasma Physics Board of EPS (1997–2001)
  • Head of Research Unit (coordinator) of the association EURATOM-ÖAW (the Austrian participation in the European nuclear fusion program) (since 1996)
  • Member and R&D officer of the Austrian University of Applied Sciences Council (2000-2005)
  • Chairman of the ÖPG (1989/90)
  • Member of the German Physical Society (DPG)
  • Member of the scientific council of the Max Auwärter Foundation
  • Member of the EPS Action Committee on Physics and Society
  • Founding member of the "Friedrich Schiedel Foundation for Energy Technology" (1988)


His work and teaching activities mainly included the areas of plasma physics (and here in particular nuclear fusion research ), atomic and molecular physics, and surface physics . Prof. Winter advocated extensive international cooperation - in particular for cooperation with colleagues from the member countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) as well as within the framework of the research programs of the European Union - and was strongly committed to research and university policy in Austria .

Among other things, he was significantly involved in the implementation of evaluation processes for scientific quality assurance of university institutes in Austria. The methods developed by Winter as part of the physics evaluation were seen as holistically trend-setting far beyond their project status . The methods of performance measurement (evaluation) and the rational use of resources are used today as necessary tools in modern university management.

Winter's educational policy interests focused primarily on the promotion of technical understanding and the promotion of women in technical professions.

Awards and honors

He was the recipient of the Austrian Cross of Honor for Science and Art 1st Class (2001) and received the Alexander von Humboldt Research Prize in 2003 .

In 2007 the Hannspeter Winter Prize was established at the Vienna University of Technology . This prize is intended to honor research achievements in the context of dissertation projects that have been carried out by graduates of the doctoral program at the Vienna University of Technology . In addition to the recognition of the outstanding scientific achievement, the award aims to draw attention to the special achievements of women in the field of research and technology. The prize was first awarded in 2008.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Hannspeter Winter, Joachim Burgdörfer: Slow Heavy Particle Induced Electron Emission from Solid Surfaces . In: Results of the exact natural sciences . Springer, ISSN  0081-3869 , p. VII .
  2. ^ History of the Austrian Physical Society. ÖPG, accessed on February 22, 2018 .
  3. Daniela Hallegger: 1st Hannspeter Winter Prize goes to young physicist Bianca Mladek. In: Vienna University of Technology. June 26, 2008, accessed on February 22, 2018 (Austrian German).