Hans-Jürgen Bruns

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Hans-Jürgen Bruns (born March 28, 1908 in Düren ; † January 12, 1994 in Baden-Baden ) was a German SS officer and legal scholar.


During the Allied occupation of the Rhineland , the Bruns family was expelled from Düren by the French. That is why Hans-Jürgen Bruns attended grammar school in Giessen. After graduating from high school in 1927, he began to study law at the Hessian Ludwig University . In 1927 he was reciprocated in the Corps Teutonia Giessen . When he was inactive , he moved to the Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg and the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University of Frankfurt am Main . He passed the state examination in 1930 and was in 1931 at the Silesian Friedrich-Wilhelms-University of Breslau for Dr. iur. PhD . After the assessor examination in 1934, he was a research assistant in the commission for criminal law reform in the Reich Ministry of Justice. In 1938 he completed his habilitation. At the request of the Faculty of Law and Political Science, the Ernst-Moritz-Arndt University of Greifswald appointed him in September 1939 as a full-time professor for criminal law . At the same time he was appointed acting Lecturer Association Leader. In 1940 Bruns resigned from the Protestant Church. After completing a guide course at the SS Junker School in Braunschweig , Bruns was transferred to the newly formed main SS court office in the same year , where he worked as a judge from 1941. At the beginning of the winter semester 1941/42 he was appointed to the chair of criminal law at the University of Posen . Bruns was instrumental in expanding the SS and police jurisdiction, as his superior Franz Breithaupt emphasized in 1943. With the SS he rose to SS-Sturmbannführer in 1944 . After the war he lived in Frankfurt am Main . The Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen appointed him in 1952 as full professor for criminal law, criminal procedure law , legal philosophy and youth education law. From 1957 he also taught civil procedure law . In 1973 he retired . His later books deal with the partial legal force (1961) and the overall representation of the sentencing law (1967).



Individual evidence

  1. Kösener Corpslisten 1996, 167/705
  2. Dissertation: Can the organs of legal persons who violate the legal interests of third parties in the interests of their corporations be punished? At the same time a contribution to the methodology of the application of law in criminal law and to the criminal law assessment of the one-man society .
  3. ^ Habilitation thesis: The Liberation of Criminal Law from Civilist Thought. Contribution to an independent, specifically criminal law interpretation and terminology methodology .
  4. Michael Grüttner : Biographical Lexicon for National Socialist Science Policy (= Studies on Science and University History. Volume 6). Synchron, Heidelberg 2004, ISBN 3-935025-68-8 , p. 31.
  5. Henrik Eberle : "A valuable instrument". The University of Greifswald under National Socialism. Böhlau, Cologne et al. 2015, p. 658.
  6. University of Greifswald under National Socialism
  7. beluga