Hans Adolph von Buchwaldt

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Hans Adolph von Buchwaldt (* approx. 1620 probably in Jersbek ); † March 16, 1695 in Jersbek (presumably) was lord of the Holstein estates of Jersbek and Stegen.



Hans Adolph von Buchwaldt's father Jasper von Buchwaldt (* 1591; † 1629) was probably in Hamburg with Anna Wensin (* 1596/1597; † 1674; their father was the ducal district administrator and bailiff at Gottorf Gosche Wensin, * around 1562, † 1639) ; oo 1589 with Eibe Rantzau, * 1573, † 1610) married. From this marriage two sons and a daughter ( Hans Adolph ; Gosche , born September 27, 1624, † November 27, 1700 in Hamburg; Dorothea , born April 20, 1627, † May 1, 1681 in Dänisch Nienhof, married in 2. Marriage with Bendix von Blome at Deutsch-Nienhof , Dänisch-Nienhof and Kaltenhof , * June 29, 1627, † March 27, 1688 in Danish Nienhof).

After the death of her husband (in 1629 in the middle of the Thirty Years' War), the widow Anna von Buchwaldt successfully managed the Jersbek and Stegen estates not only until the two sons came of age, but also until they returned from their study trips.

Marriage and four children

On November 23, 1648, Hans Adolph von Buchwaldt married Margaretha Blome (* 1615 - May 19, 1672; daughter of the ducal district administrator and bailiff of Tondern Wolf Blome at Seedorf and Tesdorf, * January 15, 1582 in Kiel; † October 18, 1667 ; married to Adelheid Rantzau on Putlos and Panker, * around 1595, † 1646) married.

The four children Adelheid Benedigte († February 2/3, 1718 in Kiel; married 1674 to Georg von Ahlefeldt in Lindau, born June 19, 1651 in Kiel; † November 16, 1700), Jasper (* 31 May 1700), went out of the marriage . August 1650 - † 1705 in Jersbek, married 1675 to Ida Benedigte von Ahlefeldt from the Haseldorf and Haselau in the Haseldorfer Marsch), Anna Margareta (* 1653; † September 30, 1726, buried in Eckernförde; married 1674 to the district administrator and bailiff zu Trittau and Reinbek, privy councilor and deputy governor Joachim von Ahlefeldt on Buckhagen (1674), Olpenitz (1691) and Loitmark (1691), * 1646 - † September 9, 1717 in Buckhagen, buried in Eckernförde) and Catharina († 1685, married with secret and district administrator Bendix von Ahlefeldt on Kluvensiek , Osterrade , Cronsburg and Sehestedt * March 21, 1650; † April 19, 1712 in Osterrade).

When they married, the three daughters were each provided with the substantial sum of 18,000 Reichstalern bridal treasure money as well as "with clothes, jewels, boxes and box goods, beds and bedclothes, according to your aristocratic status".

Life and end of life

Hans Adolph von Buchwaldt was on his educational trip through Europe as a student in Basel and in 1646 at the University of the German Nation in Siena.

It is said that he was a “wise and fatherly landlord” “for the times”. Despite substantial payments to his brother Gosche (payment of the inheritance of 42,000 Reichstalers) and to the three daughters ( bridal treasure money ), he left only a small amount of debts.


Jasper von Buchwaldt (1591–1629)
Hans Adolph von Buchwaldt (1620–1695)
Gosche Wensin (1562–1639)
District administrator and bailiff on Gottorf
Anna Wensin (1596–1674)
Yew tree Rantzau (1573–1610)
1. Adelheid Benedigte von Buchwaldt (1645–1718)
2. Jasper von Buchwaldt (1650–1705)
3. Anna Margareta von Buchwaldt (1653–1726)
4. Catharina von Buchwaldt (1658–1685)
Wolf Blome (1582–1667)
Margaretha Blome (1615–1672)
Adelheid Rantzau (1595–1646)


Around 1662, Hans Adolph von Buchwaldt laid down the four Hufen and three Katen of the farming village of Wulksfelde , in the place of which he had a Meierhof built. A service contract with the manager Ludolph Töbing dated March 12, 1684 in the estate archive shows that at the time of Hans Adolph von Buchwaldt, the Jersbeker Hof was still managed by the owner himself, so the leasing was not made until much later. Töbing was supposed to take care of the administration of the Jersbek and Stegen estates with due diligence and encourage the serfs to do court service.

Hans Adolph von Buchwaldt fought - like his mother before - (partly with the help of the Danish king) with the city of Hamburg for his rights on the Alster and for a free Alster trip for his ships.

In 1678, Hans Adolph von Buchwaldt had the gatehouse, which still exists today, as well as other buildings in the courtyard and the first school in the center of his goods, in Bargfeld (Fliederweg 12, first mentioned in 1688). In 1675 he donated the large poor house (with four rooms and one chamber for nine residents) in Bargfeld (Fliederweg), the center of his property . In his will of 1688 he decreed that the respective landlord had to continue to run the Bargfeld school.


  • Danmarks Adels Aarbog (DAA), XXX (1913) I 182 ff. (Gender: von Buchwaldt). LII (1935) II 23, 26 and 28 (gender: von Blome). LIII (1936) II 90 (gender: Wensin).
  • Chr. LE Von Stemann: Contributions to the history of the nobility. The von Bockwold family . In: ZSHG 4, 1873, 251-305.
  • Ulrich Bärwald: The Buchwaldts on Borstel and Jersbek are arguing with the city of Hamburg over rights to the Alster river . In: Heimatkundliches Jahrbuch für die Kreis Segeberg, Bad Segeberg 1989, 33–39.
  • Ulrich Bärwald: The Buchwaldt'sche poor house . In: Dorfchronik Bargfeld-Stegen, Hamburg 1995.
  • Curt Davids: Chronicle of the old manor district Jersbek-Stegen . Hamburg 1954.
  • Hannelies Ettrich: Chronicle Jersbek . Husum 1989.
  • Barbara Günther (Ed.): Stormarn Lexikon , Neumünster 2003.
  • Hermann Heitmann: The Jersbek and Stegen goods . Jersbek 1954 (reproduced Ms.).
  • Burkhard von Hennigs: The portal of the manor house to Jersbek . In: Yearbook for the Stormarn District 1985, Husum 1985, 34–35.
  • Burkhard von Hennigs: 400 years of the Jersbek estate and community 1588–1988 . in: Yearbook for the Stormarn district 1989, Hamburg 1988, 84-102 (continued in the 1990 yearbook, Hamburg 1989, pp. 13-26).
  • Axel Lohr: The history of the Jersbek estate from 1588 to the present . Diss. Phil. Hamburg 2007, Stormarner booklets No. 24, Neumünster 2007.
  • Monika Maerten: The portraits of Benedikt and Dorothea von Blome are preserved . Yearbook of the home community Eckernförde, Eckernförde 45/1987, pp. 21–26.