Hans Karl Friedrich von Brünnow

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Hans Karl Friedrich von Brünnow , (to 1780/1782 in * Spandau ; † 7. August 1814 in Berlin ) was a Prussian Major and Chief of Hussars - squadron in Schill'schen volunteer corps .



Hans Karl Friedrich was a member of the Courland - Pomeranian noble family von Brünnow . He was the third son of the Prussian Colonel Friedrich Siegmund von Brünnow . General Friedrich Georg von Sohr was his brother-in-law.


Brünnow joined the Prussian Army in the middle of 1793 . In 1806 he was the 12th Second Lieutenant with a patent from January 1799 in the Leib-Hussar Regiment with garrison in Fürstenwalde . At the beginning of 1807 he joined Schill and was assigned to the formation of the 2nd Brandenburg Hussar Regiment as a first lieutenant . On April 21, 1807 he received the order Pour le Mérite , after he distinguished himself on numerous occasions .

Brünnow wrote a war diary in the form of an autobiography about the time with Schill.

In 1812 he stood against the Leib-Hussar Regiment as a staff officer . His request to leave was granted, after which he joined the Russian-German Legion .

Brünnow was incapacitated as a result of frequent alcohol consumption and died before his time with the rank of major.

He was buried on August 10th in the vault of the Garrison Church in Berlin .


Brünnow married Johanna Luise Wilhelmine Clar (* around 1784, † November 19, 1808) in 1807, with whom she had two sons born in Fürstenwalde.

  • Hans Karl Friedrich von Brünnow (born October 5, 1807)
  • Gustav Eduard Alexander von Brünnow (born November 7, 1808)

Both sons died before their father.


Individual evidence

  1. Gustaf Lehmann: The knights of the order pour le mérite. Volume 1, Mittler , Berlin 1913, p. 468, No. 155.
  2. ^ Georg Bärsch : Ferdinand von Schill's train and death in 1809. Berlin 1860, pp. 328–331.