Hans Martin Schaller

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Hans Martin Schaller (born September 7, 1923 in Belgard , Pomerania; † October 21, 2005 in Zorneding ) was a German historian who dealt intensively with the time of Emperor Frederick II .

Hans Martin Schaller grew up in Elberfeld and had been physically disabled from the age of 8 due to spinal polio . After the humanistic grammar school he studied in Jena, Strasbourg and Göttingen, where he was a student of Wilhelm Berges and Percy Ernst Schramm . His dissertation on the law firm of Kaiser Friedrich II, completed in 1951, is an important reference work to this day. After five years at the German Historical Institute in Rome , he worked for the Monumenta Germaniae Historica (MGH) from 1957 . He completed his habilitation in 1966 in Salzburg through the collection of letters from Thomas von Capua and was appointed to the University of Würzburg in 1970 , from where he returned to the MGH after a year. There he worked, among other things, as co-editor of the specialist journal German Archive for Research into the Middle Ages and as a member of the central management.

His main research interests remained the history of the Hohenstaufen imperial era and in particular its collections of documents and letters, namely that of Petrus de Vinea .

Schaller was awarded the Federal Cross of Merit on ribbon in 1986 .

Fonts (selection)

  • List of manuscripts for the letter collection of Petrus de Vinea , arr. v. Hans Martin Schaller in collaboration with Bernhard Vogel, Hanover 2002 (MGH-Aid 18). ISBN 3-7752-1125-X .
  • The Vienna Imperial Crown - created under King Konrad III. , in: Die Reichskleinodien: Rule of the Holy Roman Empire , ed. vd Society for Staufer History , Göppingen 1997, pp. 58-105. ISBN 3-929776-08-1 .
  • The piety of Emperor Frederick II , in: German Archive for Research into the Middle Ages 51 (1995), pp. 493-513.
  • Staufer period. Selected articles , Hanover 1993 (MGH Schriften 38), ISBN 3-7752-5438-2 . ( There p. 603-609 a list of publications up to 1993 ).
  • Kaiser Friedrich II .: Transformers of the world , Göttingen 1991, ISBN 3-7881-0034-6 .
  • Studies on the collection of letters from Cardinal Thomas von Capua , in: German Archives for Research into the Middle Ages 21 (1965), pp. 371-518 (habilitation thesis).
  • The Chancellery of Emperor Frederick II. Your staff and their style of language , in: Archiv für Diplomatik 3 (1957), pp. 207–286; Archiv für Diplomatik 4 (1958), pp. 264–327 (dissertation).


  • Horst Fuhrmann : Under Staufers. On the death of the historian Hans Martin Schaller. In: Süddeutsche Zeitung from 29./30. October 2005, p. 17.
  • Rudolf Schieffer : Obituary by Hans Martin Schaller . In: German Archive for Research into the Middle Ages . Vol. 62 (2006), pp. 480-484 ( online ).

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