Hans Reusch

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Hans Henrik Reusch (born September 5, 1852 in Bergen , † October 27, 1922 in Hvalstad , Asker ) was a Norwegian geologist.


Reusch studied geology in Heidelberg , Leipzig and Oslo with the degrees candidate in 1875 and doctorate in 1883. He was a student of Theodor Kjerulf in Oslo . In the 1870s he published work with his then fellow student Waldemar Christofer Brøgger on apatite deposits and glacier pots in the Oslo region. He also worked a lot with Brøgger later on. From 1882 to 1885 he was an assistant at the university's mineral cabinet and then a university scholarship holder. In 1888 he became head of the geological survey of Norway (Norges geologiske undersøkelse). He also taught at times as a lecturer in physical geography at the University of Oslo (1902 to 1905 and from 1909) and was a visiting scholar at Harvard University in 1896/97 . He died in a railway accident.

His specialty was the geology of Vestlandet . He found the first fossils of the Silurian in the heavily metamorphic schists south of Bergen.

In 1877 and 1880 he was the first editor of the journal Naturen , which he had co-founded, and he published the series Norges geologiske undersøkelse (from 1890). In 1905 he received the Lyell Medal and in 1907 he was awarded an honorary doctorate from Oxford University .

The Norwegian Geological Society has awarded him the Reusch Medal in his honor since 1926. Reusch and his wife founded a foundation to promote geology and geography in Norway. The Reusch Glacier in Antarctica is named in his honor .

He was married to the painter Helga Marie Ring Reusch (1865–1944), a student of Puvis de Chavannes and Erik Werenskiold .


  • Norges Geologi , Norges geologiske undersøkelse, Volume 50, 1910, later edited and edited by Anton Mohr and Werner Werenskiold
  • Silurfossiler og pressede konglomorater i Bergensskifrene , 1882 (first description of fossils of the Silurian in Norway)
  • Bömmelöen og Karmöen med omgivelser geologisk beskrevne , 1888
  • Det nordlige Norges geologi 1891 (first description of the Paleozoic conglomerate of Varanger )
  • Volk og natur i Finmarken 1895
  • Geografi for Middelskolen , 1905
  • Landjordens physical geografi


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