Hans Heinrich Schaeder

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Hans Heinrich Schaeder (born January 31, 1896 in Göttingen ; † March 13, 1957 ibid) was a German orientalist, Iranist and religious historian.


Hans Heinrich Schaeder was born as the son of the Protestant theologian Erich Schaeder . He was a brother of Hildegard Schaeder and an older cousin of the theologian, political scientist and Islamic scholar Günter Lüling . He was a full professor in Königsberg , Leipzig , Berlin and Göttingen.

Publications (selection)

  • with Richard Reitzenstein : Studies on ancient syncretism , 1926
  • Original form and further training of the Manichaean system , 1927
  • Goethe's Experience of the East , 1938
  • Man in the Orient and Occident. Edited by Grete Schaeder . Munich 1960.


  • Ekkehard Ellinger: German Oriental Studies at the Time of National Socialism 1933–1945 . Edingen-Neckarhausen 2006, p. 182 ff., 523 f.
  • Dirk Schuster: Schaeder, Hans Heinrich . In: Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon , Vol. 37 (2016) Sp. 1038-1050.
  • Dirk Schuster: The doctrine of "Aryan" Christianity. The scientific self-image in the Eisenach »Entjudungsinstitut« . Göttingen 2017, pp. 235–245, 274–277.
  • Christian Tilitzki : Protocol book of the Philosophical Faculty of the Albertus University in Königsberg i. Pr. 1916-1944 . Osnabrück 2014, p. 624 f.

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