Hans Speidelin

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Hans Speidelin († 1526 ) was an actor in the Peasants' War . He came from Bodelshausen in the Duchy of Württemberg .

In 1517 Hans Speidelin was beaten with rods for an unknown offense and expelled from the country. He returned anyway after a month. He was then arrested and taken to Tübingen prison, where his fingers were cut off for disregarding the ban. He was then banned again and returned to Württemberg within a month. According to his later confession , Speidelin was already at this time politically active against the government set up by Habsburg ("the nüw regiment will decline, and the old stam and regiment will be against ufferstan").

Speidelin stayed in Haigerloch in 1524/25 . It is said that farmers asked him to be their captain. Speidelin later testified during his interrogation that he had refused. However, he admitted that he had moved to the Hegau and Kayh with the rebellious farmers . After the defeat of the peasant army in the Battle of Böblingen (May 12, 1525), a wave of punishments followed. Speidelin evaded this by wandering around as a beggar in the Oberland and Hegau.

Since beggars were not tolerated anywhere in Württemberg, Speidelin decided to take revenge with arson. He returned to Bodelshausen in 1525 or 1526 and tried to set a fire at the house of the mayor (Ludwig Blank, called Keyser), but was prevented by his dogs. He then set fire to barns in Nufringen and Bondorf , and finally the village of Neuhausen on the Fildern .

It can be assumed that Speidelin was executed after he had known several serious crimes during his interrogation in Urach .



  • Wolfgang Sannwald: The story of Bodelshausen. Volume 1: From the Middle Ages to the middle of the 19th century. Tübingen 2000, ISBN 3-933916-01-1 . Pp. 103-105.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Wolfgang Sannwald: The story of Bodelshausen . tape 1 . Tübingen 2000, p. 104 .
  2. Wolfgang Sannwald: The story of Bodelshausen . tape 1 . Tübingen 2000, p. 469 .
  3. ^ A b Wolfgang Sannwald: The story of Bodelshausen . tape 1 . Tübingen 2000, p. 105 .