Hard & Ugly

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Original title Hard & Ugly - a love story
Country of production Germany
original language German
Publishing year 2017
length 71 minutes
Director Malte Wirtz
script Malte Wirtz
production Malte Wirtz
music Ruben Fischer
camera Antje Heidemann ,
Vincent Viebig
cut Assaf rider

Hard & Ugly - a love story (international title: Hard & Ugly - a love story ) is Malte Wirtz's second film. The theatrical release is on August 24, 2017 through Deja-vu Film. The film is based on the play of the same name, which was staged in February 2015 in Hebbel am Ufer. The world premiere took place in the German Film Museum as part of the Lichter Filmfest .


Et loses his job as a fitness trainer without prior notice. At the same time, Carla is shown outside the door by her fiancé. Et is frustrated with his life and wants to put an end to him on a bridge, but Carla intervenes and stops him. They move through the city together and Et is enjoying his life again. Later that night they go dancing and Carla leaves with another guy who knocks Et against the wall, resulting in him having to go to a hospital. When Et comes out of the hospital, he is followed by his two bosses, but they behave strangely and you don't know whether they're just imaginary. The next day, Et goes looking for Carla, but he can't find her. Only in the evening does he see her coming out of a theater with the guy from the disco. He realizes that he didn't mean the same thing to her as she did to him and he goes away alone.


According to the director, filming began without a finished script and the book was completed during the shooting.


The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung wrote:

"" Hard & Ugly ", a black and white story of happiness that slips between your fingers."

Programmkino.de judged:

“Just like its main character, the film itself develops in a not always compelling sequence of scenes, with lots of dangling to secondary characters, appearances by bizarre types that do not contribute to a dense, classic narrative, but to a pleasantly indefinite picture of time. Wirtz did not shoot in the well-known locations and squares of contemporary Berlin, but in subway stations and in parks that are away from the tourist crowds. With "Hard & Ugly - A Love Story", he succeeded in creating an apt portrait of the city and its inhabitants, at least of a very distinctive type of person, as only exists in this way in Berlin today. "

The film service wrote:

“The big city attracts confused young men. Or were they only confused by the big city? Even Woody Allen couldn't answer that, but the only place he could really endure was New York. If you believe German films, most neurotics live in the capital. Where else? Malte Wirtz, born in Marburg, trained as a director in Passau and finally ended up in Berlin, tells in his second feature film "Hard & Ugly" about such people meandering through life aimlessly. For example by Et (played by the former Volksbühnen and future Berliner Ensemble actor Patrick Güldenberg) [...] Sometimes Et runs like the red-haired title character in Tom Tykwer's "Run Lola Run" in short, brightly colored animations through Berlin. By no means an end in itself, these sequences drive the action forward, convey the playfulness of the film in a harmonious way. Somehow you've already seen it all, but the no-budget film tells something like its own story, which the director mostly wrote while shooting. "

The Germany radio remarked:

“A big city tale that you are presenting to us with your love story, in the tradition of modern society novels . " Berlin Alexanderplatz (Roman) " by Döblin comes to mind, "Fabian" by Kästner, tragicomic. The protagonist is an idealist, he believes in love, in the fact that prime numbers are rare and that life can usually be divided by two. "

The Süddeutsche Zeitung wrote:

“Malte Wirtz is a theater person, he seeks naivety in the cinema. The Berlin HAU is the meeting point for his film. The city is the most beautiful abstraction as long as you keep your distance. "


Hard & Ugly was shown at the Lichter Filmfest and Achtung Berlin - new Berlin film award.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Trivia. Internet Movie Database , accessed May 5, 2017 .
  2. Eva-Maria Magel: In the light of truth. FAZ, accessed on March 27, 2017 (review).
  3. Michael Meyns: Hard & Ugly - a love story. programmkino.de, 05/2017, accessed on October 5, 2017 (review).
  4. Kirsten Taylor: Hard & Ugly - a love story. Filmdienst, 17/2017, accessed on August 10, 2017 ( long review ).
  5. Thekla Jahn : Hard & Ugly - A hipster life without a happy ending. Deutschlandfunk, accessed on August 22, 2017 (interview).
  6. ^ Fritz Göttler: Hard & Ugly - a love story - theatrical releases of the week. Süddeutsche Zeitung, August 24, 2017, accessed on August 24, 2017 (review).