Harold D. Babcock

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Harold Delos Babcock (born January 24, 1882 in Edgerton , Wisconsin , † April 8, 1968 in Pasadena , California ) was an American astronomer .

Babcock studied at the University of California, Berkeley and worked at the Mount Wilson Observatory from 1907 to 1948 .

Babcock specialized in the field of spectroscopy of the sun. He mapped the distribution of the magnetic fields on the sun's surface.

Together with his son, Horace Welcome Babcock , he developed the solar magnetograph in 1951 and was able to detect strong magnetic fields from stars. In 1959 he recognized the periodic polarity reversal of the solar magnetic field.

In 1915, Babcock became a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science . In 1933 he was elected to the National Academy of Sciences . In 1953 he was awarded the Bruce Medal . In 1970 the lunar crater Babcock was named after him.

In 1989 the asteroid (3167) Babcock was named after him and his son.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature
  2. Minor Planet Circ. 15089