Harry Walter (artist)

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Harry Walter (2019)

Harry Walter (born 1953 in Stuttgart ) is a German artist and author.


Harry Walter studied philosophy, German literature and art history from 1972 to 1980 at the University of Stuttgart and the University of Tübingen , a. a. with Max Bense , Ernst Bloch , Paul Hoffmann , Hans Jürgen Heringer and Dieter Jähnig .

Harry Walter has been working as an artist, author and art mediator since the mid-1970s and has been involved in the Künstlerhaus Stuttgart, which was founded in 1978, from the start .

From the theoretical as well as practical occupation with such concepts as “ artistic research ” and “art as archive” emerged in 1982 the archive of both directions , conceived together with Ulrich Bernhardt, Gerrit Hoogerbeets and René Straub , an artistic production group, which under the name ABR- Stuttgart was continued as a duo with René Straub until 2003 and dealt with the question of the extent to which cultural developments increasingly take on ornamental form in numerous exhibitions, room installations, lectures and publications.

From 1985 to 1987 he worked as a lecturer in German studies at the University of Kanazawa in Japan and then held various teaching positions at state and private art schools, including at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich ( visiting professor in 2004) and at ETH Zurich as part of the Professor of Art and Architecture held by Karin Sander (2007–2013). The permanent place of activity as a teacher is the Nürtingen University of Art Therapy .

Inspired by the debate about the major Stuttgart 21 project , he and artist friends founded the “companion office SOUP (Stuttgart Observatory of Urban Phenomena)” in 2009. The aim of the group is to accompany urban processes performatively and to expand the term “ city ​​model ”. For example, the dummy character of architecture could be negotiated using the example of the military pseudo-installation in Brazil . Under the title Fortress of Solitude , the ruin of a model railway is subjected to a collective work of interpretation.

In the project Waschküche - Stuttgarts Galgenbuckel , which he initiated together with Stephan Köperl and Sylvia Winkler in 2013, the long-forgotten place where Joseph Süß Oppenheimer was executed in 1738 was subjected to a public re-appropriation process for four years with the participation of numerous other artists.


Exhibitions, participation in exhibitions and projects (selection)

  • Myths of the Future , Galerie Grita Insam, Palais Attems, Graz (ABR Stuttgart), 1983
  • Art landscape FRG , Frankfurter Kunstverein, Frankfurt and Württembergischer Kunstverein, Stuttgart (ABR Stuttgart), 1984
  • Décor de la vie / Roba avanguardista , Württembergischer Kunstverein Stuttgart, 1986
  • Ten years ago: fate and episode . Installation in the series “Twelve Exhibitions”, Künstlerhaus Stuttgart, 1989
  • Hotel Carlton Palace, Chambre 763 , Paris, (ABR Stuttgart), 1993
  • Temporary collection , Städtische Galerie Göppingen (ABR Stuttgart), 1994
  • One to one : Text / photo contribution to Documenta X in documents 2, 1997
  • Completely ordinary , Kunstvereine Freiburg, Nürnberg, Braunschweig, Kiel, Gera (ABR Stuttgart), 1999
  • Ornament and Promise, Gallery of the City of Stuttgart (ABR Stuttgart), 2001
  • ZBO-SdM052004 , article, Bundeskunsthalle Bonn (ABR Stuttgart), 2004
  • Eichmann, Fleischmann, Neckermann . Contribution to "After Images". New Museum Weserburg Bremen, 2004
  • The mother compass . Contribution to the exhibition Heimat. Kunsthalle Mannheim, 2011
  • Fake installation in Brazil , museum in the cloister courtyard, Lauffen am Neckar (support office SOUP), 2011
  • Laundry room project: Stuttgarts Galgenbuckel (with Stephan Köperl and Sylvia Winkler), 2013–2017
  • Günther B.'s machine , contribution to "Fifty cigars for the light of the future", Untergröningen Castle, 2016

Fonts (selection)

  • Head and tail, 35 comet fragments , edition rot Stuttgart 1992, ISBN 3-87451-049-2
  • Max Bense in Stuttgart . German Literature Archive Marbach 1994, ISBN 3-929146-25-8
  • One to one. A photo album on the reconstruction of Germany . In: Harald Welzer (Ed.): The memory of images. Aesthetics and National Socialism, edition diskord, Tübingen 1995, ISBN 3-89295-590-5
  • ABR-Stuttgart: ornament and promise . Johann-Karl Schmidt (Ed.), Gallery of the City of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, quantum books, 2001, ISBN 3-935293-12-7
  • Three models of movement , in: Doris Titze, Thomas Hellinger (Ed.): Setting signs in the picture. Every line is a world axis . Dresden University of Fine Arts, 2012
  • Jeans meets khaki , in: Katharina Hohmann, Katharina Tietze (Ed.): Denimpop - reading jeans things . Berlin, Merve, 2013
  • Eleven reflections , in: Wolfgang Ullrich (Hrsg.): Beyond tomorrow , catalog book for the Quadriennale Düsseldorf, 2014. Leipzig, EA Seemann, 2014, ISBN 978-3-86502-322-3
  • Max Bense as a draftsman of his characters , in: Jonnie Döbele, Max Bense 6.12.76, 6.15-7.20pm recordings from the lecture hall seat . Cologne, Walther König, 2015, ISBN 978-3-86335-756-6
  • From January 2016 to December 2017, Harry Walter published a column on photo finds in the magazine Merkur every month.

Under the authorship of ABR-Stuttgart (together with René Straub) have published:


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. abr-stuttgart. Retrieved May 12, 2019 .
  2. Stuttgarter Zeitung, Stuttgart Germany: Encounter with Harry Walter: “Does an artist have to constantly create something new?” Retrieved on May 12, 2019 .
  3. Information on Harry Walter from the Prussian Sea Trade Foundation. (PDF) Prussian Sea Trade Foundation, 2013, accessed on May 12, 2019 .
  4. SOUP support office. Retrieved on May 12, 2019 (German).
  5. ^ Friedlieb Ferdinand Runge Prize for unconventional art education
  6. https://www.merkur-zeitschrift.de/author/harry-walter/