Harvey Hart

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Harvey Hart (born August 30, 1928 in New York City , New York , † October 18, 1989 there ) was an American film director and producer .

Harvey began directing various television series in 1961 , including Ben Casey , Spaceship Enterprise , Laredo and Columbo .

Later he was more behind the camera for independent productions, so in 1981 for John Steinbeck's Jenseits von Eden , a miniseries that had been nominated for four Emmys , and received one award. The film drama The Callgirl Club (1986), made for television under his direction, starred Faye Dunaway , Melody Anderson and Donna Dixon, among others.

In 1989, Harvey Hart created the television series Christine Cromwell , which he initially produced and which he also directed with Leo Penn . However, he died soon after production began, from complications following a stroke .

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